A Shock For The Smith Family

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2022
Photo by Kael Bloom on Unsplash

One dark and windy day, Sarah left home never to be seen again.

Sam was walking on the terrace of his house when he found a red and white chew toy. “Mama! I found Sarah’s favourite toy, Mr Lufluf!” Mr Lufluf never left Sarah’s side and was always moist because of her biting him. Mrs Smith walked towards Sam and inspected the toy. “Go inside the house, Sam. I am going to call the police.” Mrs Smith walked inside the house with her son and dialled the local police station’s number.

“Oh, the stupidity of some people!” Mrs Smith exclaimed after talking with the police station. “Sam, there is dinner on the table and if you are still hungry, you can heat up some leftovers from last night.” Mrs. Smith walked out the front door of her house and got into her car. The car rumbled like a washing machine as it pulled out of the driveway. Mrs Smith returned two hours later and was visibly upset. She said good night to Sam, who was watching TV, and went to her room and slammed the door close. Sam could see that his mother was deeply affected by the disappearance of her beloved Sarah. Sam resolved to find Sarah first thing in the morning the next day.

When Sam woke up in the morning, he honoured his resolve of finding Sarah by making missing posters for Sarah. He put in all the details of finding Sarah. Her hair, the colour of her eyes and her age. Sam also included Mrs Smith’s phone number and also included the address of his house as contact information. After making and printing the posters, Sam set off to put up his posters all around town so that people would know what Sarah looked like and where to contact him if they spot Sarah. Sam did not have enough posters to put all around town. So, he had to go back home and make a new batch of posters and put up posters all around the remaining parts of town. After Sam had finished putting up posters all around town, he went back home because it was lunchtime. After Sam had finished eating his lunch, he went outside to try and look for Sarah, thinking that he might have better luck than his mother. Well, Sam thought wrong. He came back dejected and just in time for dinner. Dinner did cheer Sam quite a bit because it was his favourite food — lasagne, and also the thought that people will call his mother if people see Sarah and since Sam put posters all over town, someone was bound to come calling because they saw Sarah!

The next day, Sam got a lot of phone calls. Most of them were prank calls from a bunch of delinquents who had nothing better to do than to inconvenience people by calling them on their phones but one, just one phone call was actually helpful. Mrs. Maniarchy called up to say she had seen something that matched the description on the posters that Sam had put up. Mrs. Maniarchy said she had seen Sarah on the alleyway between Second Street and Third Street. As soon as the phone call ended, Sam rushed off to tell his mother this piece of good news. Moments later, Sam and Mrs. Smith were driving off to the alleyway between Second Street and Third Street.

When they reached the alleyway, they saw something at the end. Sam ran as fast as he possibly could to reach the end. When he reached the end, he saw a labrador dog with a red and white collar chained to the wall. “Mama! I found Sarah!”, Sam exclaimed with joy.

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Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.