A Tale About Two Bears and A Bridge

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2022
Photo by Andre Amaral Xavier on Unsplash

This story is about Siu. Siu is not human like you and me, she is a bear. Siu lives in a cave with her mom, Nanu. Her mother goes hunting by herself because it is not safe for a young bear to go hunting with her mother. Nanu goes hunting right after breakfast and returns at lunch with their lunch, dinner, and the next day’s breakfast.

One day, Nanu did not return from her hunting trip for lunch and one thing you should know about Nanu is that she is never late to lunch, and I mean never. Siu got worried but she is an optimist and thought that her mother was running a little late. By the time it was dinner her mother still had not returned. She made up her mind: to go looking for her mother.

When Siu stepped outside of the cave she lived in, she saw that the sky was dark and gloomy as ever, fierce winds were blowing throughout the forest and the sun was overshadowed by inky black storm clouds. The storm clouds scared Siu, but she had to brave through her fear because she had to find her beloved mother!

Siu had an idea where her mother might be. Siu and her mother lived on a cliff and there was another cliff next to it. The two cliffs were separated by a dangerous channel and were connected by a wooden, rickety old bridge. Siu’s mother usually hunted on the other cliff. When Siu reached the bridge, it was broken by the fierce winds and on the other side of the broken bridge Siu could see her mother.

“Don’t worry mama I’ll save you!”

But you might be wondering how could Siu save her mother if the only way to get to the other side of the cliff had been broken? That is a great question, to know the answer to this question you will have to continue listening to the story. As luck would have it, a tall oak tree was growing near the edge of the cliff. Siu had a brain wave. If she could knock down the tall oak tree it would make a substitute bridge. Siu ran to the oak tree and started to claw at the tree with her paws, but that idea did not work. So, she tried biting, kicking and every other kind of idea that would come into her mind to knock down the tree, but all those methods did not work! Siu just was not strong enough!

Siu was exhausted. She had tried every method but each and every one of them failed. She felt that she would never rescue her mother.

Suddenly, lightning struck the tree and the tree fell with a thud! onto the other side of the cliff. The oak tree connected the two sides of the cliff. Now, there was (somewhat of) a bridge!

Nanu stepped on the precariously placed bridge carefully. One wrong move and the bridge could roll over and Nanu would be falling to her doom! One paw after another Nanu managed to get to the centre of the tree. She cleared her mind of any thoughts of failure and only thought of the task in front of her. She started to put one paw in front of the other. Nanu felt like a tightrope walker. She put one paw, then another, and then another but as fate would have it Nanu made a wrong move. She put too much strength in her paw causing the tree to turn and was about to roll over down the cliff. Nanu could not afford to die. If she did die, who would take care of her daughter? Nanu took a leap of fate and Lady Luck must have been smiling on Nanu because Nanu landed on the side and the log fell into the raging channel underneath the broken bridge with a splash!

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Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.