about me

a simple intro

Monster Alley
2 min readJul 18, 2022


gif from @BrittDoesDesign on giphy.com


It took me a good amount of time to write this article. Introducing myself Is not an act I’m too fond of, and I think most people could agree.

But anyways, let’s just get into it.

My name is Blessing. I’m Nigerian-American (Nigerian by blood but was born in the US). I’m attending UNI in the fall and plan on studying computer science with a concentration in data science. I enjoy working out, reading, journaling, and watching movies (sci-fi, action, and horror are my favorite genres). I have an obsession with learning about marine biology, and astronomy. Lastly, I’m a child at heart and a word nerd.

My music taste is various, but I mostly listen to 2000s pop music, lo-fi, alternative r&b, soul, and afro beats.

My passion for writing sparked when I began journaling in middle school. Since I had always felt the need to keep most things to myself, writing was a prominent way for my life to remain private. Through writing, I began to understand myself, my experiences, and my traumas on a deeper level.

I’m usually quiet and introverted but can communicate with others effectively. I can be blunt and overall an irritable individual, but also easy-going. If you met me in person, I’d probably seem to be closed-off (as I’ve been told this countless times).

I enjoy building meaningful friendships, and from healthy and toxic ones, I’ve learned how to deal with strenuous situations maturely.

I don’t have a niche, so most of my articles will be based on random topics such as movies, books, physical health, well-being, science, social media detoxes, complaints, opinionated essays, etc.

Through Medium, I plan to express and gain more interests, strive to become a creative writer, expand my intellect, and of course connect with other writers.

