An Introduction to Me

Or, please allow me to introduce myself.

Sam W.
Monster Alley


Making jewelry in the time of Covid. Picture is mine.

Oh boy, is it that time? Have I finally been pushed into writing one of these, the dreaded ‘about me’? It would seem so. Where on Earth do I begin.

I suppose I’ll start with my name. No, it isn’t a pen name- I am actually a Sam. A Canadian Sam no less. And to one American gentleman I am the oft-mentioned but rarely-believed-in Canadian girlfriend. We do exist sometimes, though proof is often required by friends. Very rare mythological creatures.

I live in the Maritimes, close enough to the sea to know it’s there but not quite close enough to smell it. I grew up right on the edge of the water though, and I miss the scent of salt and the screaming cries of gulls terribly. At least I say I do, but the last time I was in a city with gulls they woke me up at 5 AM and I haven’t quite forgiven them.

I own and operate one business as a jeweler, though it’s less of a business and more just me hammering metal until it does what I want and then selling the thing I made to somebody who likes shiny things. The piece I’m wearing in the picture is mine, something I made as part of my private collection. I love working with natural shapes like those little mushroom spores.

I’m also partnered in another business. I write content for, and edit the webpage…



Sam W.
Monster Alley

9x Top Writer. Opinion pieces about human rights and activism. Enjoying my work? I also host a weekly newsletter and biweekly podcast at