An Underwater Adventure

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2023
Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Daniel and Sam were scuba diving. To be exact they were exploring a sunken ship. The ship’s name was called The Explorer. When it sailed across the ocean a century ago, it’s name was known across the land. It carried treasures from every nook and cranny of the world known to man. However on its way to Australia, the crew of The Explorer experienced a storm of no equal. The ship sunk to the bottom of the ocean, near the coast of Australia.

As Daniel and Sam came near to The Explorer they gasped in awe at the majesty of the ship. Even though it was stuck at the bottom of the ocean for nearly a century, it still took people’s breath away when they looked at it. Mollusks covered the ship from head to toe. Fish of all colours made the sunken ship their home. The colour of the ship was ravaged by time and all that remained was a light brown hue.

The boys swam onto the deck of the ship, they were wary of their oxygen limit. Daniel opened the door to the cabin, they cautiously swam in not expecting anything. However when in the room they saw a colossal wooden chest sitting on top of a wooden desk. When the boys opened the chest, it was filled to the brim with priceless treasures of every kind. Daniel saw the oxygen gauge on his tank. Daniel knew that he would have to head up to surface now, however Daniel and Sam both knew they couldn’t carry the heavy chest without the risk of serious repercussions. So they each took a handful of jewels and started to travel to the surface. After Daniel had travelled a considerable length away from the ship, he looked to his right expecting to see his friend Sam, however, Sam was not there. Daniel started looking frantically for Sam but could not spot him. Suddenly, Daniel spotted Sam who was trapped underneath the mast of the ship. Daniel swam with all his might to Sam to help him escape.

Daniel pushed the mast with all his might to help his friend escape. After many failed attempts, Daniel lifted the mast enough for Sam to escape from his hell, stuck underneath the mast. They dropped the precious jewels they had in their hands in the rush to the surface, but were being slowed down by the oxygen tanks. However, they persisted. The boys would not give up and they showed it in their resolve to win. After an arduous and punishing process of constant swimming, the boys reached the surface. Daniel and Sam had escaped from this experience with their lives intact for now.



Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.