Breaking News: Magical and Mysterious Things are happening in Fool’s March!

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2022
Source Tree of 40 Fruit

Fool’s March is a town that breaks the rules of this world. In the town food falls from the sky, it snows ice cream and is the home of the ever famous strawberry milk cows! The town’s people and the world did not think anything more mind blowing can happen to Fool’s March. Little did the town’s people and the world know how wrong they really were!

One of the victims of these strange happenings is George Flance, who works at the packaging factory in Fool’s March. Flance stated that whenever he turned on his faucet, the water would go up instead of down. When Flance called the plumber to fix this problem, the plumber was bewildered at the sight of what was happening to Flance’s faucet. The plumber checked the pipe, then double checked the pipe and, then finally triple checked the pipe before declaring that there was nothing wrong with the pipes. It was just that there was something wrong with the faucet’s gravity.

Another one of these victims was Dr. Penelope Brazor. She works in the Department of Weather in Fool’s March. The weather department in Fool’s March predicts what food will fall from the sky. Dr. Brazor said that when she turned on the stove to make some dinner, the fire on the stove jumped out of the stove and onto the kitchen top then the fire jumped onto the floor and started to walk on the floor of Dr. Brazor’s house. The fire made a path of fiery destruction where ever it went and the fire itself started to grow as it consumed more and more oxygen. Dr. Brazor knew that the fire would soon consume her house and the town if she let the fire live. So, she took a fire extinguisher and put an end to the fire’s short and fiery life.

One of the more bizarre events that are happening in the Fool’s March is that the wind can talk. You can hear the wind talk but only if you listen very, very closely. You can even talk to the wind, and it will respond and like every other person in the world the wind tends to get angry. The wind is basically like an omnipresent being who acts like a hippie. When it gets angry it brings clouds over to Fool’s March. Not just any clouds, storm clouds, specifically food clouds. These clouds would generate a storm — a liquid storm. Storms in Fool’s March are always liquid. Like every single human on this planet there are days where you will be happy and that is the same with the wind. When the wind is happy it brings clouds that rain really expensive food like caviar. This has happened only on one occasion.

This might be the most mind blowing happening in Fool’s March. In the centre of Fool’s March, there is a tree that grows every fruit know to human kind and more! The tree’s name is Alles Baum which literally means everything tree. Normally this would never happen in reality, but we are talking about Fool’s March. Mind blowing stuff has been happening here since the world knew about this unique town! The tree appeared few months ago. It first started to grow apples because it was an apple tree. A day later it had rained oranges and the tree was growing oranges! The tree is only limited to grow fruits that fall from the sky. Right now, Alles Baum is has apples, oranges, lemons, lime, avocados, grapefruit, pomegranate, fig, peach, cherries, apricots and coconuts on its branches! According to the Department of Weather in Fool’s March, Alles Baum will continue to learn to grow more fruits over the coming years and will also inevitably make hybrid fruits.

We will continue to vigilantly report on the magical and mysterious things that are happening to Fool’s March and update our eager readers!

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Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.