Carrie — An Advocate For People With Disabilities And Caring Community

A Monster Alley Apartments Tenant

The Accidental Monster
Monster Alley
2 min readApr 7, 2023


Image by author

The sky was bright and cheerful, beaming down that pure blue only the best skies can. A couple of clouds wisped away in the atmosphere, adding friendly islands of shade to a select few.

Carrie gazed up at the magical building, only one story tall. Ground floor it is! The accessibility ramp gently sloped front and center, with meter-wide stairs straddling it on either side.

Her bags were packed and ready, containing all sorts of goodies the Alley had been looking forward to. We have prepared for her arrival, updating the building to code or better in all areas; no basement dwelling here!

Unless specifically asked for, that is.

Welcome, Carrie, to your virtual home at Monster Alley Apartments!

Who Carrie Is To Me

When I met Carrie, she was still relatively new on Medium. Her enthusiastic encouragement stood out, making her comments incredibly visible to me very early on.

Point of note: I’m terrible with names. It takes me awhile to put names, faces (profile pics), and conversations together.

But her energy was so vibrant, it was hard to ignore! In fact, part of what drove me to continue F2F for so long was because she was so supportive that I didn’t want to disappoint!

As I got to know her as a writer, it became clear she was different. Hardship, abuse, disability — these things happened to her, but did not define her. Though she understandably bears more than a few scars (likely both inside and out), her spirit radiates through her words — untainted and crystal clear.

I hope that you, Dear Reader, will find some time to check her out. I’m certain you will see what I see soon enough!

Until next time, follow each other, follow the dopamine, and follow yourself, always!

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*Divider by MahuaSarkar on Pixabay



The Accidental Monster
Monster Alley

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions. On Medium since 2022.