Monster Alley

Gratitude Challenge A-Z (part 3)

I was tagged. Now, who’s next?

Jayke FM
Monster Alley


[3rd installment of 3-part series]

R to Z (continued from Part 2)

R Readers, like you! I’ve already written and published three stories, including one ode, singing my praises about you and other Medium members. You have taken the time and energy to read and even leave comments which have thus far been kind and supportive. (knock)
For this, I am humbly and extremely grateful. In fact, a few of you have become — in my mind — soulful friends whom I truly cherish. My writing and character are laden with flaws. Regardless, your constructive and empathetic feedback has empowered me to embrace my vulnerability and write more authentically. So, thank you again!

A young boy sitting on a bench cutely laughing with a book on his lap.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

S I scientifically love you, Science. I read science. I write science. I think science. I breathe science. I eat and drink science. I even sleep science. (I didn’t say “with”.) I majored in Science, enabling me to later work for a pharmaceutical company. I was also once a high school science teacher, hoping my students would take away the benefits of applying you — a.k.a. the scientific approach — and critical thinking to live well and well-informed. Only time will tell.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

T Teachers. I’m grateful to them all: Older ones and younger ones; witty ones and daft ones; creative ones and innovative ones; resourceful ones and by-the-book ones; seasoned ones and fresh-out-of-college ones; lecturing ones and facilitating ones; lenient ones and strict ones; opinionated ones and open-minded ones; living ones and resting-in-peace ones; licensed ones and unlicensed ones; classroom ones and online ones; digital ones and analog ones; politically right-leaning ones and left-leaning ones; dedicated ones and cynical ones; multi-talented ones and of course, simply pretty ones. Sure, judge me. I’m only human.

Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

U A haiku dedicated to you, Ugliness. (3 verses of 5/7/5 syllabic lines)

Damn, you so ugly!
Ugly see and ugly do
Useless ugliness.

False that! Look deeper
Therein lies beauty, Only
Ugliness beholds.

Judging others is
Ugly seen and ugly done
Thanks for showing me.

Photo by Olivia Colacicco on Unsplash

V Velcro®, you and I have an adhesive partnership. It started with my first pair of moon boots which were the rage in the 80s. You helped strap my childhood in its proper place with enough freedom to strip off with adolescent rebellion. I wanted to run away from abuse and blast off to Mars with you. Yes, we know, you weren’t invented — just popularized — by NASA. And we laughed at Velcro®-adorned David Letterman jumping off a trampoline and sticking to a wall. You never cease to impress me. The other day, you inspired nutty applications in my kitchen and in the bathroom. Thanks to you, cooking will get efficient and number 2 will become…uh…fun?

Photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

W (This one will read strange if not confusing at first. Just remember I’m speaking to different “yous” each time.)

Woman. You have been different people in my life.
You had a tough time giving birth to me.
You and I share the same mom.
You were my better half.
You used to call me “Dally” instead of “Daddy”.
You taught me math with passion and dedication.
You fixed my legs so I could walk again after a bad fall.
You called me a jerk when I deserved it, then forgave me.

All of you amaze me in ways that only humbled men can dare to fathom. Even John Lennon wrote a song for you. You leave me in profound awe and gratitude. And yet! You are discriminated against (still, in the 21st century), exploited, abused, and oppressed. I don’t tolerate violence, but we must end these injustices — yesterday!

White cherry blossoms with a temple roof and a blue sky in the background.
Photo by the author, Jake Tobiyama

X Merry Xmas! I know some people get offended when you’re spelled that way. But it has a historical and linguistic basis to it, validating Xmas as your Greek-derived christening.

My opinion of you has changed over the years, ranging from excitement to dread and reverence to rejection. And now? I’m not quite sure, perhaps treading cautiously between hope and stoic disinterest. Please don’t be offended. It’s not personal. It’s not you; it’s me. One limiting factor is that I don’t have a Christian background although I grew up partially in a Christian environment. I attended Mass (as a visitor) and sang or performed in charity concerts with my school band. At least these activities had meaning, unlike Secret Santa gift exchanges that my former workplace held each year.

But I still managed to feel empty during this season, mainly for looking inward. This year won’t be much different except I’ll be taking time off from work to travel and experience Xmas outwardly, spiritually, and intimately. Thanks, and Merry You!

On my way to work on Xmas Day in 2021 in Kyoto, Japan. Photo and edit by the author

Y Y-chromosome. I thought it was you who made me masculine, a man, a man-man. But I was wrong. In fact, I initially intended to write a simple thanks to you for defining my biological identity, whereupon I found this little nugget of an article: Does having a Y chromosome make someone a man? It left me intrigued. Am I really a “woman” lacking a sex-differentiating gene — aka SRY gene — with androgen sensitivity? What?? If I could jump to conclusions and hyperbole for one second…

Men are really women lacking the right genes?!?

It makes for a good click-bait, doesn’t it? But I wouldn’t get baited. A whole array of other genes and factors contribute to the sex of the individual. But I thank you anyway for being there(?) and making me question my biology.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Z After this overly long Gratitude List , I am truly exhausted (as are you) and grateful I can finally Zzzzzzzz.

Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash



Jayke FM
Monster Alley

Photo/videographer, language and science teacher/communicator, freelancer, solo traveller, PhD student in Austronesian Studies, INFJ, volcano climber, fool