How Do I Know It’s You?

Finding ourselves within the chaos

The Accidental Monster
Monster Alley


Image by KELLEPICS on Pixabay
Before Follower To Follower, just after I finally gave in and created The Accidental Monster, I had a moment of clarity.Fueled by intense meditation, anxiety, and other elements I’d rather leave to the imagination, I made contact with that higher Self within; an interaction with ‘divinity’ and complete balance.The tranquility of the experience defined it; for those of you that haven’t yet had such a moment, they are distinctive. There’s no question within that experience that it is a special moment; though later, one might easily wonder whether it were real or delusion.During that heady experience, I wrote most of this. Only recently have I fleshed it out, doing as little as possible to retain the purity of that experience (but also making it readable).I did not edit out the swearing- so be warned, there's quite a lot of it.Enjoy the journey of reading.


It was there a moment ago, what was it? A flicker, a spark, blinking in and out of spacetime.

In a flash, it’s gone. A puff of smoke, leaving you with the sense that you touched something beautiful, something perfect, for an eternal instant. Some ethereal presence had connected…



The Accidental Monster
Monster Alley

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions.