Pandemonium At The Beach

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2022
Photo by Roland Denes on Unsplash

Everything was fine at the beach. The sun was shining, people were smiling, and the water was cool. Like I said, everything was fine. Until someone uttered one word. And, that word was shark.

A grey fin was sticking out from the waves of the ocean. It looked like a shark fin. It wasn’t long before someone else noticed and yelled, “Shark!”. After that one word, pandemonium was unleashed.

Beach towels and umbrellas were thrown aside as people scrambled to exit the beach. Food was thrown aside in a rush to exit the beach. One person accidentally tripped and let go of the food in his hand. The food ended up hitting a really short-tempered person who after accidentally getting food thrown in his face yelled, “Who threw food at my face?”, but no one could hear the angry-man-with-chips-all-over-his-face, over all the commotion. He wiped the chips off his face and threw them at a person he thought was responsible. The person that the angry man threw chips at got angry and threw his burger at a person he thought was responsible, and then that person threw his burger at another person. This caused a domino effect. So, now an all-out food fight was added to the already chaotic situation.

I was trying to get out of the beach when a burger was thrown at my face. Most people jumped out of their beach chairs and ran towards the exit. Now, when you finish your beach visit so abruptly and run towards your car to rush home, you end up leaving most of your stuff scattered on the sands. Some of the stuff might be valuable and some of the stuff might not, and some might just be a hazard to the people running towards the exit. One person, who was extremely lazy and had never worked a day in his life noticed the valuable stuff and realised that if he stole, he could sell it for an unreasonable price and get some money. Some people running towards the exit of the beach saw what the lazy person was doing and copied the lazy person. Now, one more thing got added to the chaos of people running towards the exit of the beach. People stealing valuables were added to the already very chaotic situation.

You might be wondering why the lifeguards were not calming down the situation and helping people that were in the water to get to land. Well, as it turns out lifeguards are pretty cowardly. They can save some people from drowning because they know how to swim but utter the word shark and you are there alone at the beach, with no authorities and a bunch of panicking people. As it turns out, when the lifeguards heard the warning of sharks in the water they were in their cars and driving home like maniacs before you could say, ‘Where are you going?’. Lifeguards were added to that list of chaos.

All the people in the water were able to escape onto land but the act of people escaping onto land was useless. Because, the shark was not a shark but actually a teenager with a triangle grey fin on his back who thought that scaring the wits of people was funny. Well, when the authorities did arrive, they did not look amused. In the end, the teenager’s parents had to pay for the hospital bill of fourteen individuals who were seriously hurt and eight thousand dollars for stolen or lost items. In total, Mr and Mrs McDougal had to pay $10,000 for a prank that had gone wrong.

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Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.