Rainy Day

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2023
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Recently, Clancy lost his pet dog. Lenny was his first actual friend. So you can imagine how devastated Clancy must have felt that his first friend had passed away. That was exactly one month ago.

Clancy’s parents thought that a few days of mourning would be enough but it seemed that wasn’t the case because those few days some how turned into a month. Clancy spent one whole month just mourning and thinking about Lenny and all their good times together. He wasn’t always sitting in a corner mourning about his late dog. Sometimes he was in his room and you could hear crying emitting from the room. Nothing would seem to cheer Clancy up. His mother made all his favourite dishes for dinner. His father tried to play his favourite games and was denied every single time. Clancy’s older brother, Matthew, was on special orders by his parents to be nice to Clancy. It was extremely taxing on Matthew. He had amounted so many quips and insults for his younger brother he recorded them in a notebook. It was like a dam ready to burst except it was insults instead of water.

Today, it started to rain. It seemed that the weather was getting depressed by Clancy’s behaviour. Now, Clancy was stuck indoors with a depressed behaviour with his family. Clancy’s family had been acting extra jovial when they were in same room as him but today they had to admit Clancy was getting them a bit down. Like a bolt from the blue inspiration struck Clancy’s brother Matthew over the head.

“Hey Clance?”

“What do you want?”

“You want to play outside?”

“It’s raining outside. You should look with your eyes open once in a while.”

However Matthew kept persisting. Until finally he had convinced his little brother to play outside. But to go outside on a rainy day they had to put on their raincoats, hats and permission from their parents to go outside and play. Once they were given permission and put on the necessary clothing, the siblings went outside. Once outside Matthew and Clancy walked to the local park right around the corner of the street the two boys lived. Once they reached the park, Matthew saw a colossal puddle and raced through it making a gargantuan splash. Clancy saw an equally humongous puddle and ran to the puddle as fast as he could and jumped on top of it making an astronomical splash. The brothers kept doing this until they were called back home by their parents when the rain started to pour down a little bit more heavier.

When Clancy came back home there was not even a single trace of his past unhappiness.



Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.