The Battle For Helvetica

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2023
Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

Robin ran into the treasure room and threw open the door. She ran past priceless treasures, golden goblet and abundant amounts of gold coins. She headed straight to the back of the room. At the back of the room there was a locked cabinet.

In the the cabinet contained a jet black cloak and a golden compass. She contemplated whether to reach for the jet black cloak or the golden compass. No matter what the Commander Zelsior must not succeed.

Around Robin’s neck was a key, she inserted the key into the lock and twisted it. The lock opened with a satisfying click. She stretched out her hand, grabbed the cloak and hurriedly ran to the door. Just as she was about to leave the treasure room, she came face to face with Commander Zelsior.

Robin was a princess for the royal family of Helvetica and next in line for being queen. She was one of the strongest sorcerers in the land and even made the mythical dragon Ono her familiar. Five days ago Commander Zelsior leader of the Royal army of Helvetica, leader of the Royal Army of Helvetica, staged a revolution. He claimed that the royal family is not fit to rule Helvetica. Before Commander Zelsior could execute the royal family, they escaped. To avoid being captured they all split up and went their different ways. Now Commander Zelsior was hunting down the royal family and executing them. However Robin could not stand that, so she broke into her former home and stole a family heirloom to help fight Commander Zelsior.

“What are you going do to me? Execute me to make an example?”

“Hahaha!” Commander Zelsior chuckled, “You wish! No I am going to give you an even worse punishment than that. You are going to watch your family die right in front of you!”

Robin’s eyes widened and her eyes dropped. What the man in front of her had said was preposterous. She racked her brain for some way she could stop this absurd plan.

Suddenly, an idea started forming in her mind. A way to defeat Commander Zelsior.

“Yes, that is a worse fate than death but what about this? You and me fight each other at Timez Square at noon tomorrow. You can make an example out of me by defeating me and no one will ever question your authority ever again?”

“Hmmmm. That that sounds like an excellent proposition. Sadly, I do not believe that you will escape from here, to escape from the grave that you dug. So you will be spending the night in the dungeon.”

Robin dawdled to Timez Square, soldiers accompanied her right and left. The air was thick with tension and worry. Citizens of Helvetica crowded around Timez Square to watch their princess battle valiantly to save the kingdom. In the middle of Timez Square Commander Zelsior waited for her.

“Are you ready for your up coming death Your Highness?” Commander Zelsior asked

“I won’t be dying. You are!” Robin donned the jet-black cloak she raided from the treasure room. The jet-black is called the invincibility cloak. It is an ancient artefact that is impossible to destroy. Wearing the cloak will provide you with an unimaginable defence. However the fatal flaw in this defence is that anything not covered by the cloak is vulnerable to attacks. Commander Zelsior unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Robin.

“Let the battle begin!” He yelled with a smug grin on his face.

To defeat Commander Zelsior Robin had to use the most powerful spell in her arsenal. The Typhoon spell. This spell would bring disaster and calamity whenever it was used .

“All mighty gods, lend me your power to inflict doom to my foe!”

Dark clouds brewed over Commander Zelsior. Ten lightning bolts struck him simultaneously. His corpse was barely recognisable. Robin miraculously survived.



Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.