The Monster in the Woods

Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2022
Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash

I was camping in the woods alone.

I had asked my friends to join me but all of them conveniently had other plans that day. So, being a stickler for plans, I had to camp all by myself in the woods. Just as I was falling asleep in my tent, I heard a loud noise outside. Frightened of the cacophonous clangour I had just heard, I grabbed my flashlight, and rushed outside to see what had made that awful racket, but it turns out that the cause of the loud noise was a spooked deer. The question that came to my mind as I was going back into my tent was this. What had spooked the deer? Just when I about go back into the tent, I heard a loud rumble. I looked behind me and saw a silhouette rushing towards me. I got the answer to my question as to why the deer was spooked. The thing that spooked the deer was the same that was rushing towards me. Instinctively, my legs started to run as fast as they could to escape the grasp of the silhouette rushing towards me.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me through the forest. I made twists and turns but no matter how much I ran through this maze of a forest the silhouette always seemed to be on my tail. Then, I tripped on a rock and landed headfirst onto the ground. The pain I felt was excruciating. When I tried to get up, it just hurt even more but, when I saw the silhouetted monster running towards me, I got up and I ran as fast as I could to escape from the tenacious and shadowed monster.

After running through most of the forest I was getting weary, and my bruises did not help at all! I was getting so tired that my body wanted to stop running and collapse onto the forest floor, but I could not do that because of the monster that was still on my tail. With one final burst of energy, I escaped the grasp of the monster. I sighed with relief and just as I was about to sit down on the green grass of the forest floor, I saw the monster again. Afraid what might happen to me if he caught, I started to run again.

But, unfortunately for me, the monster could not chase me anymore because I was at the edge of a cliff. If I took a few more steps, I would be free falling towards the ground faster than you could say ‘Geronimo!’ The beast cornered me and approached me cautiously. Before I knew the monster was only a metre away from me. I closed my eyes, expecting the worst to happen to me, but nothing happened. When I opened my eyes, the monster was gone. Disappeared into thin air.

To this day, when I tell people what I experienced that night they never believe me. Most times people pass it to be a tall tale or an illusion. When I told my parents they told it was just an illusion and nothing more. Do you believe me?

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Mridul Vijay
Monster Alley

Hi! My name is Mridul Vijay. A 13 year old boy who likes writing stories. I publish my short stories on my blog every Thursday.