What Pinkberry Meant to Me

Pinkberry brings back very happy memories

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Monster Alley


Photo by Bakd&Raw by Karolin Baitinger on Unsplash

My fascination with frozen yogurt started up again when I was in college for the last time over a decade ago. Around that time, I would go to the Pinkberry right around the corner from my college located in an outdoor mall.

It was a bit of an obsession for me despite my struggling finances. I was starting to rise around college as I’d start working a full-time job. I would indulge at least once a week because I was earning my own money and going to school to better my life.

I had to go there and get a large frozen yogurt and get all of the good ingredients in my cup. Sprinkles? Check. Fruit? Check. You name it, it would go in at some point. I went so often that I signed up for their rewards program. No, I’m not being sponsored by the company to write all this good stuff about them. Wouldn’t that be nice though?

Then a few years later, I started my corporate job after college at Verizon Wireless. The big payoff from finishing my college education, at least the amount that I was able to finish in that time frame. I continued to frequent Pinkberry after an extended break after college.

My coworker was becoming one of my closest friends because she also loved Pinkberry and we had to go to the one near our work for our lunch breaks. We would even go with Mike and we would have some sort of third-wheel frozen yogurt dates there.

She loved hanging out with both of us so we enjoyed sitting there and eating our frozen yogurt as we talked about our lives and our hobbies. These frozen yogurt trips became more frequent outside of work to the point that we would go with her to Pinkberry everywhere we could.

We went to one in the San Francisco Bay Area and that was when we went shopping with her when she wanted to buy one of her Coach bags at the outlet mall. I would slurp on my frozen yogurt while I’d help her pick out the color and the accessories.

She loved buying her discounted Coach bags and I couldn’t stop her from doing what she loved so I tagged along despite my absolute distaste for this brand of capitalism. That’s beside the point though. I was very happy to spend this time early in my relationship with my partner and my work friend.

She’s the one who ended up introducing us to our furry friend who we had for about five years before he passed during the shutdowns in 2020. My cat loved smelling the yogurt on me, either that or he just loved me. There are a lot of great memories around my partner, my work friend, and my late, great furry friend around frozen yogurt.

It represents a great time in my life when I could still afford to have fun and go out a ton. I loved it and I miss it now. There is a Pinkberry in the town I live in now but I have never been to this one.

Moving to Erie and living in an RV was not a transition to a better time in my life but a downturn of finances and my health so I’d always look more fondly on a time that I didn’t have to struggle as much. Pinkberry represents a lot more than just frozen yogurt.

It represents success and happiness along with friendship and love. Pinkberry was my life for the longest time. What does frozen yogurt represent to you? Does it have a special meaning? Does Pinkberry, specifically, have any special meaning to you? How do enjoy your frozen yogurt?

Thanks yet again to The Accidental Monster. Today is Day 6 of the February Writing Challenge. I was a day behind and I’m now all caught up with this response. I absolutely love talking about my days enjoying luxurious frozen yogurt. We’d love to hear from you.

Some places that I can think of that will accept writing challenge responses if you want to join in. This is not an exhaustive list so if you have another place in mind, feel free to send them there and tag Monster Alley as one of your tags so we can find your story and read it.

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Amusing Responses



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Monster Alley

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.