Want To Write For Monster Café?

Turning over a new bean

The Accidental Monster
Monster Café


Image slightly altered by author using pics from analogicus and ds_30 on pixabay

A bell jingles on the door above you as you enter our establishment. “Hello! How are you?” the NPC’s cheerfully greet you as you step inside.

Can you believe Monster Café is a year old now? How the time flies!

With Monster Alley going through a rebranding, the Café is set to receive some of the topics that used to overlap. So let’s revisit what the topics and themes are, and how to apply.

Monster Café Topics

Most topics are welcome here:

  • Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Music
  • Art (Making or Appreciating)
  • Food (Eating or Cooking)
  • Personal Stories
  • Holidays and Events
  • Remote Writing (not tips or challenges — see Monster Alley)

Topics not welcome:

  • Crypto
  • Finance
  • Rants/Personal Arguments

Be aware that you may be asked to add in a reference to the Café to continue the theme; fiction, poetry, music, and food tend to be exempt from this (though are welcome to do so anyway!).




The Accidental Monster
Monster Café

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions. https://linktr.ee/theaccidentalmonster