Write For Monster Café!

Become part of a virtual, co-creative experience

The Accidental Monster
Monster Café


Image by chrisgmz on Pixabay

You’ve walked in the front door of a large restaurant-like establishment. The room is open and lined with windows to the right, all facing the busy main street outside. To the left is a plexiglass wall leading to the smoking section, an amazingly clear section positioned perfectly in line with the stage.

On the other side of the wall, you can almost make out a little stall-like section attached to the back alley. It’s connected to the building and yet seems… separate. Almost private, like the alley itself protects it from the main crowds.

There’s an obvious entrance to the kitchen in the center of the room, where Aakanksha flits in and out of regularly. She’s the manager, of course, and will be the familiar guide should you decide to stay for awhile.

Pick Up The Application

The familiar boxes for “name” and other details seem to fill themselves in at your touch. A section halfway down the page lights up, untouched:

What is your suggestion for consideration?- food additions
- decor
- building expansions
- events and promo ideas
- other

You stare, wondering what the hell it even means.

Write For The Café!



The Accidental Monster
Monster Café

I am weird, spiritual, and deep. Accidentally monstrous at times, but usually with good intentions. On Medium since 2022. www.TheMonsterAlley.com