The Art of Getting Done

Or not, as the case may be. Sigh.

E.A. Colquitt
Monster Café


Image by the author

In my previous Café post, I mentioned how I’m going through a creative celebration. Something finally feels as though it’s settling — but how did I get to this point?

I’ve had to centre myself. For me, that means going back to basics, starting again… this time, writing small.

But first, what was actually wrong?


When I started writing for Monster Alley (and Café), my main creative project, my first novel, was forming off-Medium:

[It] follows a modern-day ghost who sets out to solve his own murder, but the next [idea] involves slightly gothic 19th-century family intrigue, all centred on a manor house.

I’ve always had good responses to these ideas (most recently, from Normal Earthling). Publicly, however, I was being more optimistic about that ghost novel than I was actually feeling. On the inside, I was growing listless.

Remember what I said in my previous post, about how sometimes you need to wrestle with creativity? Well, this was all wrestling. It simply wasn’t working.

The trouble is, I didn’t know this at first. And when I did, I didn’t want to face the facts.

