Monster Erotica

She’s Looking For Protection From Monsters

Rianne Burnett
7 min readApr 9, 2023

But gets railed by a manticore instead!

Image courtesy of Marcos Felipe on Pexels

Different stores whizzed by as my friend and I drove in silence. That didn’t mean I couldn’t feel her waves of annoyance wash over me the closer we got to the magic shop. Well, maybe ‘magic shop’ was a bit too simplistic of a description.

“There’s still time to save your money, you know,” Colette mumbled.

I rolled my eyes.

“And how much money am I going to save when one of those weird portals opens inside my house and a huge-ass minotaur wrecks everything?” I shook my head. “Science can’t tell us what’s going on so I figure magic is my best bet.”

“But they’ll figure it out! Besides, I haven’t heard about any portals opening in your neighbourhood.”

“When do you ever hear about my neighbourhood?” I countered.

Sighing, she gripped the steering wheel tighter. I didn’t play the wealth card often but sometimes it was the only way to get her to understand why we had differing points of view.

“I just want you to be safe, Dani.”

“I know.”

We lapsed into a more comfortable silence this time. When she pulled up to the shop, Colette kept her gaze forward.

“Do you want me to wait for you?”

“It’s okay. I don’t know how long this might take. I’ll get a taxi back home.”

“All right.”

I squeezed her shoulder and got out of the car. After one more wave, I bounded up the stone steps. Though I didn’t have any preconceived notions of what the shop would look like on the inside, the image still gave me pause.

There were large windows along the front but none of the light made it in. Instead, the entire shop looked like it was bathed in a muted afternoon sun. Letting out a breath, I walked toward the first aisle to inspect the rows of medium-sized amber bottles. They bore immaculate labels that probably made a lot of sense to someone who knew what they were looking for.

“Can I help you?”

I abandoned my inspection for the copper-skinned woman behind the long counter. Her neat ebony dreads hung down her back, making me a little self-conscious about my unruly curls. Clearing my throat, I met her warm brown eyes.

“I’m looking for something that can protect me from the creatures that are popping up everywhere.”

“Ah, let me get my books from the back. I’ll have to make something specific for you but the books will help you focus on exactly what you want.”

I nodded and watched her sashay through a doorway that was hidden by a thick set of curtains. Left on my own, I returned to the aisles. As my fingers curled around a bottle, the shop filled with the sound of screeching metal and the stench of acrid smoke.

Oh no.

Dropping the bottle, I spun around to flee. It was too late. The portal was right in front of me — a swirling mass of red and orange, flecked with silver. When I turned in the other direction, my breath caught. It was as if the portal had warped the shop around me.

Aside from a couple of aisles, I was surrounded by…nothing. Swallowing, I turned back to the portal — silently praying for something small. The large paws that emerged from the unknown world said that those prayers would go unanswered.

I watched the creature step out of the portal with awe. It towered over me with its lion-like head almost brushing the ceiling. Large, leathery wings blocked out the view behind it while a long scorpion tail flicked restlessly. Thanks to all the news reports, I knew exactly what it was.


My eyes flicked below its waist.

A male manticore.

By all accounts, they were rare. It was just my luck that I’d run into one. My heart hammered as his golden eyes met my less impressive hazel ones. Snarling, he threw his massive arms wide and let out an ear-splitting roar. That was enough to break me out of my trance.

Rushing back to the aisle, I grabbed as many bottles I could hold and threw them at him. I didn’t care what they were for. Maybe if the fumes were bad enough, he’d leave me alone. To my dismay, the air filled with a mixture of calming and sweet scents.

To make it worse, my panic was starting to simmer. In fact, it was shifting into something else entirely. A familiar tingle built between my thighs.


Before I could process what was happening in my body, the manticore spun me around and lifted me to his broad chest. With one hand under my ass, he tore my dress, bra, and underwear away. It should anger me but instead, I whimpered and rubbed against his fur. My nipples hardened as the soft hairs tickled and titillated.

He purred while bringing me closer to his face. Though his eyes had inspired fear before, they made me throb now. My mind was filled with thoughts of feeling every inch of him over every inch of me.

“Tasty human,” he growled.

I gasped. For a moment, I worried that he wasn’t thinking about eating me in the same way that I was. Then he nuzzled and nipped at my neck — inhaling my scent with a low moan. Hoisting me higher still, he took my ample breasts into his hot mouth one at a time.

My fingernails dug into his muscled shoulders as his sharp teeth grazed my sensitive skin. When he slowly ran his rough tongue over my hard nipples, I moaned and writhed against him. It hurt a little at first but the small twinges of pain quickly sent sparks of pleasure to my core.

He groaned and lowered me carefully to the ground. When I winced from the cold tile, he slipped his wings underneath me. The warmth that emanated from him put me at even greater ease. Without thinking, I spread my legs for him and he kneeled between them. He peered at me under hooded lids for a moment.

I swallowed when his paws slid under my ample ass — his claws slightly digging into the flesh. Breaking eye contact, I let my gaze settle on his manhood. It was pink and thick with a bulbous head. Equally spaced ridges coiled along his shaft.

Though I wondered how I was going to take him, my inner muscles pulsed with anticipation. My jaw dropped when his scorpion tail curved over his shoulder in my direction. Still, the heat of my craving held me in place. As I watched, a clear fluid built up at the end of the stinger.

Lowering his tail, he let the liquid drip between my already slick folds. I stiffened, unsure of what to expect. What started as a slight buzz became a warm tingle that only made my yearning worse. Moaning and arching my back, I let out small, breathy moans.

I needed him inside me. Now. It didn’t matter if he broke me in half.

“Please,” I begged.


One single word stoked the fire of anticipation between my thighs. Then he slid inside me with an ease that I never thought possible. Knowing what the stinger did, my muscles clenched around every inch of him as he filled me to the hilt.

Cursing, I grabbed fistfuls of his fur. The manticore huffed and hissed above me — taking me deep and hard until I was breathless from the building ecstasy. If he wasn’t so huge, I’d be able to hold his gaze while I came but I had to accept staring at his chest instead.

After a little while, it didn’t matter. All I could focus on was the rhythm of our bodies as we moved together — pursuing the apex of rapture that we craved. When my climax hit, my grip on his fur tightened. His resultant howl was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Then his claws bit into my ass before his essence spurted inside me.

He held me for a little longer then rose. Peering up at him, I wondered if he was going to take me again. Instead, he cocked his head to the side.

“I will find you.”

“Okay,” I squeaked.

Given the circumstances, I didn’t know if I should be excited or terrified. Either way, I took him at his word. His gaze caressed my body one last time before he walked away. The portal disappeared not long after.

Everything around me returned to normal. That’s when I noticed the small sign hanging from the ceiling.

Lust potions and essences.


I burst out laughing. Maybe a protection potion wasn’t the only thing I needed. Now, to find out if the magic shop sold clothes…

Thanks for reading! This is what happens when I watch superhero movies late at night! If you’d like some more monsterfudging romance, then check out ‘Her Intoxicating Mate’ by clicking the banner below. It’s a fated mates romance between a witch and a werewolf.



Rianne Burnett

Rianne Burnett writes fantastical and sensual stories featuring adventurous Black women.