From backpacker to monster tamer

Julia Kral
Monster Culture
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2018

Last year I took a break for some months to relax and also rethink the way I want to live, especially concerning work. I knew that I definitely wanted to find a workplace where I can work with passionate people to truly have an impact on people’s lives. Considering my background, two industries came to my mind: health care and social services. So when I came back from four amazing months travelling around several countries in Latin America, I was ready for THAT change.

After celebrating Christmas, I unexpectedly discovered that mySugr was looking for users to test a new app feature. As I have been living with type 1 diabetes for almost 13 years, I quickly replied. When I entered the mySugr HQ I immediately felt those monster vibes flowing around the loft. After both a very productive and relaxed conversation with two mySugr employees, I somehow felt the great desire that I WANNA WORK HERE!

Back home I immediately checked the job openings, but nothing really fit my level of experience or field of expertise. Nevertheless I felt like I shouldn’t give up yet. my next tactic was to write a letter of motivation to the head of marketing and a day later I got invited for coffee. Wow! And hey, there was the slight hope that it might work out. After meeting different monster tamers in individual interviews I got offered a job position combining marketing and customer support. Perfect! I quickly accepted the offer and decided to become a mySugr monster tamer!

Joining the mySugr family

Diabetes and I are old acquaintances and swapping diabetes stories with other people with diabetes really helps my personal well-being. At mySugr almost a third of the employees live with type 1 diabetes and sometimes I feel like I’m at one of my community events; we have juices ready for low blood sugar moments and support each other if needed. What I also like is the interest of my non-diabetic colleagues; they are truly eager to find out how life with diabetes really feels in order to do their job in the best way possible.

It has been two months since I joined the monster tamer gang and I’m sitting at the airport in Frankfurt having completed my first business trip. Onboarding to a new job has never felt so good. I already feel like things are rolling in the right direction and I’m so excited for what’s around the corner while wanting to work as hard as I can to support all the monster tamers outside of mySugr.

