Monster GO: How to Earn

Go Monster
Monster GO
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2022

There are a total of 3 types of NFTs in the Monster GO game, each NFT is divided into 5 images, and these 3 types of NFTs have a one-to-one correspondence, as follows:

You can get elf eggs by purchasing or participating in activities, and you can get Monster NFT by hatching elf eggs. Monster NFT can also summon Tamer NFT. So if you buy an Elf Egg NFT, you can get a Monster NFT & Tamer NFT.


  • Hatching and summoning are one-to-one correspondence. Example: Green Elf Eggs can only hatch BorSwamp Crocodile, and BorSwamp Crocodile can only summon Astin.
  • After hatching, the Elf Egg will disappear. The Monster NFT is locked during the summoning process. After the summoning is completed, the Monster NFT is unlocked and the Tamer NFT is obtained.
  • Each Elf Egg can only be hatched once, and each Monster NFT can only be summoned once.

When you get the Elf Egg or Monster NFT, you can use it in multiple scenarios and get high returns.

PVE (Adventure)

  1. Participate in in-game adventures, kill bosses, get top-quality materials, sell them in the market to get tokens, and also craft equipment to improve combat power;

2.Tamer can gain EXP by killing small monsters in the adventure. After reaching a certain EXP, Tamer can improve the level, and at the same time, Tamer can improve the combat power and enter more difficult levels to obtain rarer materials and higher income.

3.In the adventure mode, the types of monsters encountered in different maps are also different, and the types and probability of dropped materials will also be different. After reaching a certain level, a boss will appear, and there is a chance to drop super materials if you successfully kill the boss.

4.As the number of levels increases, the attributes of monsters will also increase, and the damage value of monsters to Tamer will also increase. Once Tamer’s health is 0, the trainer is killed, and the battle is over when all the trainers in battle are killed. The player can return to the Home Page, and the dropped items obtained during the battle will enter the backpack.

Tips: Tamer’s stamina will be consumed every time you participate in an adventure. Once Tamer’s stamina is insufficient, you cannot participate in the adventure. Tamer’s stamina recovers 10 points every ** minute


  1. The trading market is divided into “Material Market” and “Equipment Market”

2. Players can choose materials or equipment. The selling price of materials is completely determined by you, but there will be upper and lower limits when you sell them. After the materials are successfully sold, the proceeds will enter your account immediately.

3. You can use the “Funnel” function to quickly purchase the required materials, build equipment, improve combat power, and pass higher levels to get more income.

Ladder Tournament

The Ladder Tournament is a PVP dungeon. Sending NFTs to participate in the Ladder Tournament can get a variety of rewards.

1.You can get free challenge opportunities every day. After the challenge is successful, you can get super materials and get the opponent’s ranking;

2.At a fixed time every week, the rewards will be settled according to the ranking of the Ladder Tournament, and the top users will be issued tokens and material rewards according to their rankings. Rankings are reset every week, which is more fair for all players;

3.A maximum of 5 Tamers + 5 Monster NFTs can be used in a Ladder Tournament. After entering the Ladder Tournament, you can choose your opponent to fight (you are the attacker), you will get rewards after winning the battle and your ranking will increase.

4.If the battle fails, the ranking remains unchanged or lowered; when you are selected as an opponent by other players, you will become the defender, and the ranking of defense failures will drop. Players can view the defense records according to the “Defense Log”.

Note: Players have free challenge opportunities every day. If you want to challenge other players after the free challenge opportunities have been used up, you need to use “challenge coupons” to fight.

Expedition Treasure Hunt

1.There are different cities here where you can send NFTs on expeditions;

2.The materials and token rewards in each city are different. Of course, the longer the expedition is completed, the higher the reward; the higher the quality of the NFT you send, the better the reward you will get;

3.When the expedition is over, you can get materials or treasure chests, and open the treasure chests to get super rewards;

4.Before you participate in the city expedition, you need to pay for tickets of different amounts, which cannot be cancelled during the expedition, and the NFT you send is locked and cannot be used elsewhere;

5.You can send NFTs to expeditions in multiple cities at the same time;

Stake & Mining

1.Stake NFT to the mining pool to get token income;

2.You can increase the Mining Power you hold by staking Tamer NFT;

3.Increase Mining Power held by buying weights with a small amount of tokens;

4.The higher the Mining Power, the higher the mining income.

Transaction Mining

1.Buying and selling NFTs in the NFT market can earn profits through “transaction mining”;

2.Transaction Mining rewards is issued according to the player’s daily NFT market transaction volume;

3.A fixed amount of token rewards will be issued daily

4.The higher the daily transaction volume in the NFT market, the higher the token income that can be obtained

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Go Monster
Monster GO

#MonsterGO is a “RPG+AXIE+STPEN” #P2E #game based on #BSC distribution