Why Montex?

MNE GarhiTech
Montex Project
Published in
5 min readNov 28, 2018

The intent of Montex is to merge Ethereum and IPO(Initial Public Offering)/ Stock Market to create arbitrary consensus-based applications that have the scalability, standardization, feature-completeness, ease of development and interoperability. The Virtual Currency Market is getting ready to shift to the next phase so with montex you can trade cryptocurrencies and shares/stocks at the same time.

Ethereum is cash with wings.

Until you spread your wings you will have no idea how far you can fly. Montex is here to help you stretch your wings with our Montex market Project.

Who should read this guide?

This guide will break down the Montex white paper so that anyone can understand what Ethereum and Stock market is, how it works and the problems it solves. If you have a general idea about Ethereum but not Montex, this guide is for you.

By reading this guide, you will also gain a better understanding of the differences between Montex and Ethereum and a clearer grasp of where Montex fits into the emerging blockchain cryptocurrency story.

This guide is not for people with advanced knowledge of Ethereum nor will it make you an expert. With this in mind, we will be leaving out some of the more hardcore technical elements that are irrelevant to you gaining a fundamental understanding. We will also be expanding on some concepts where needed.

Montex Wallet provides high level security & full control to user on managing their ETH, ERC20, ERC223 & ERC721 Tokens

Why should you care?

That’s easy Ethereum has served to realize the broader potential of blockchain technology beyond bitcoin and first-generation decentralized applications. By offering a platform for developers to build any decentralized application to trade cryptocurrencies and share to stock market at the same time. Montex opened up a world of unimagined possibilities by merging both cryptocurrency and stock market.

If you want to understand the decentralized applications of today and tomorrow, you will need to get your head around Ethereum. So, if you can digest the central concepts in the Ethereum white paper, the broader decentralized revolution, which involves hundreds of different cryptocurrencies and other types of blockchain based decentralized applications will begin to make a lot more sense.

What is Ethereum?

A next generation blockchain?

Like Bitcoin, Ethereum is a public blockchain network. They both rely on a blockchain to operate.

Think about the Internet. You can build lots of different applications on top of it like email, online shopping sites and Facebook.

Well, in a way, blockchain technology is a new type of Internet where you can build lots of different applications. Bitcoin and Ethereum are just two examples.

The major difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, however, is their purpose. Whereas Bitcoin provides

one specific function, peer to peer electronic Bitcoin

payments, Ethereum offers a platform that enables developers to build and deploy other decentralized applications. You could, for example, build another Bitcoin type currency on Ethereum.

In a nutshell, Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.

Rather than being a closed-ended, single-purpose protocol intended for a specific array of applications in data storage, gambling or finance, Ethereum is open-ended by design, and we believe that it is extremely well-suited to serving as a foundational layer for a very large number of both financial and non-financial protocols in the years to come.

Bitcoin v/s Ethereum

Bitcoin’s average block time is around 10 minutes but Ethereum completes in just 12 seconds.

More than 65 percent of Bitcoin has already been mined. Not more than 50 per cent of Ethereum are mined so far.

What is Safety Net?

Safety net is a something that provides security against misfortune or actions by a government to help companies and financial institutions with financial difficulties. An emergency fund should contain enough money to cover your basic expenses for a minimum of several months.

Safety net is replaced by a specific “immunization” strategy to reduce the risk of significant losses. The strategy is put in place once a portfolio’s value declines to a certain limit.

Safety Net by Montex

For the first time Montex introduces a financial safety net is not one savings account or insurance policy, but rather a comprehensive portfolio of risk-reducing measures.

A financial safety net is meant to protect you and your money, at least in part, from losing your financial security or derailing your long-term financial goals because of some unexpected event like a catastrophic illness or other personal tragedy.

Though you cannot insure against everything, nor should you try, here are some of the best and most cost-effective measures you can take to begin to build your personal financial safety net.

Security Features by Montex

RSA-2048 bit Encryption

RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) is one of the first public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and it is different from the decryption key which is kept secret (private).

RSA is used for a secure symmetric key exchange that is used for actual transmitted data encryption and decryption.

What is RSA-2048?

RSA-2048 is a very strong encryption algorithm refers to a wall of security that protects your information from hackers. Encryption makes the information unreadable using a special “key pair”. And without a key how can you open a lock? It’s complicated to break any lock. An Encryption is your digital locker that requires an encryption key to open.

We use RSA-2048 Encryption to protect your information from hackers

RSA-2048 has 617 decimal digits (2,048 bits). The largest factored RSA number is 232 decimal digits long (768 bits), and the RSA-2048 may not be factorizable for many years to come, unless considerable advances are made in integer factorization or computational power in the near future.

2048 bits are 2048 bits or binary digits. Which means 2048 digits that can be 0 or 1.

In 2048 bits you can put 3.2317…E616 different values. That’s the scientific notation of a big number. 1.23E17 would mean 123000000000000000, but 3.2317E616 means actually 3231700607131100730071487668867…, or a number with total 617 decimal digits.

To make it simpler,

  • in 1 bit you can store 2 different values (0 or 1).
  • In 4 bits you can store 16 different values (2*2*2*2 or 2⁴).
  • In 8 bits you can store 256 different values (2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 or 2⁸ or 2E2).
  • In 16 bits you can store 65536 different values (2¹⁶ or 6.5536E4).
  • In 32 bits you can store 4294967296 different values (2³² or 4.2E9).
  • In 64 bits you can store 2⁶⁴ or 1.8E19 different values. That’s a number with 20 decimal digits (18446744073709551616).

So in 2048 bits you can store 2²⁰⁴⁸ or 3.23E616 different values. That’s a number with 617 decimal digits.

All of your private data is encrypted on your phone before it touches Montex Wallet’s servers. This means Montex Walelt doesn’t have access to any of your personal data and allows you to retain full control of your assets.

