Instagram: @kyrotechnics

Play In The New Reality

Mind Tasting
Monthly Dailies
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2021


I was having trouble finding what to write about today, and then this appeared in my Twitter timeline.

What a beautiful reframing of such a challenging situation. I think we can utilize this mindset when confronted with any challenge in life.

So often when circumstances arises we didn’t plan for, an unexpected obstacle, a perceived wrongdoing, or any challenging situation, we choose between two strategies to handle the situation.

  • Resist the new circumstances of the moment, and hold on to the past reality. Old expectations, old identities, old narratives. Clinging to what used to be. Resentful for what has happened.
  • Try to create a new reality. Fix the situation, resolve whatever circumstances we believe are wrong or unhealthy or whatever judgement we have chosen. Deal with it, change it, get it done.

Often the first strategy turns into the second. We resist what has happened until we are forced to do something about it.

What if we take a different approach? When faced with a challenge, what if we first take a step back, take a deep breath, and choose a certain perspective? What if we embrace the challenge as a gift? View it as an opportunity.

By shifting the perspective to one of loving embrace, the actions we take more effective, and our entire experience of the situation becomes lighter and flowing.

We can play in the new reality.

Mind Tasting is also a podcast! Search “Mind Tasting” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other podcast platform.

Connect on Twitter & Instagram — @kyrotechnics.

Blessings & Gratitude,



Mind Tasting
Monthly Dailies

tasting the flavors of the human experience. written by @kyrotechnics