The Meaning Behind My Nightmares

Mind Tasting
Monthly Dailies


My nightmares share a common reoccurring theme — I am running away from someone or something that’s chasing me. Where I am and what I’m running from varies, but the same general story plays out. I’m running and running and running, in a state of fear, looking for places to hide. But eventually whatever is chasing me traps me in a corner, and I’m forced to face my fear.

And that’s when I wake up.

I remember on a road trip last year I had a realization that this pattern in my dreams represents the way I handle my life problems. I run away. My main psychological coping mechanism is to avoid.

What’s interesting is in the past few weeks, the intense nightmares have returned, but the running away theme is gone. The new theme is getting rejected or ostracized.

It seems that my subconscious is actually facing the demons I used to avoid. And I see it in my conscious life as well — a willingness to experience emotions and circumstances I used to avoid.

And to me this means progress.

Thank you for your time and energy in reading my musings for the day.
If you enjoy my writing, you might also enjoy my talking! Mind Tasting is also a podcast; search “Mind Tasting” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other podcast platform.

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Blessings & Gratitude,



Mind Tasting
Monthly Dailies

tasting the flavors of the human experience. written by @kyrotechnics