The Mental Training of Cold Exposure
There is extensive scientific research that demonstrates the physical health benefits of cold exposure, which can positively impact the body’s nervous system, cardiovascular system, and immune system.
However, in my own experience, I have found the more noticeable benefit of cold exposure is mental. I see cold exposure as a tool to train the mind. There are three mental “muscles” that cold exposure strengthens.
Intentionally stepping into discomfort requires willpower. Choosing to step into a cold shower or ice bath is training my mind to consciously choose short term discomfort in order to receive long term benefit.
Mind and body react immediately to the cold. Heart rate increases, breathing quickens, my mind panics to find a way out. The practice then becomes regaining control of my body and mind, and generating a state of serenity. Relaxing in a stressed environment and trusting my body’s natural ability to adapt and survive.
The intense experience of cold recalibrates my relationship to stress. Once I get out of the cold, my mind is in a state of stillness and all other stresses that arise in the day are placed in the proper perspective. I am empowered after experiencing my ability to overcome stress that my mind previously feared.
Modern life includes chronic exposure to stress, which can trigger the body’s fight or flight response. I have found that intentionally placing my body and mind in a high stress environment — one that actually requires the fight or flight response — helps strengthen the willpower, serenity, and perspective I need to overcome the stress of modern life.
Thank you for your time and energy in reading my musings for the day.
If you enjoy my writing, you might also enjoy my talking! Mind Tasting is also a podcast; search “Mind Tasting” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other podcast platform.
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Blessings & Gratitude,