Meet Montrose — Marianna Konieczna

Christopher Martin
Montrose Software Blog


Name? Marianna

Position? Graphic Designer

Favourite Quote? Oh, such a difficult question. I don’t have one, but… if I had to choose I would go for simple one by Thoreau: “Simplify, simplify” (Walden)

What do you do at Montrose? I’m the Head of one-person Graphic Design Department. I try to make things better, useful and beautiful. Sometimes, when it’s needed, I’m a local photographer or a gardener, who tries to grow mangoes from seed.

What superpower do you bring to the team? Designer skills! I’m the only one here, but that means also the most special. I think I also bring my smile.

What gets you out of bed and into the office each morning? New projects, new challenges and the thought: “Hmm, what I will do today? Let’s get out of bed, take a bike and see!”. Definitely, it is also breakfast…

What direction did you take to get here? I was studying Industrial Design in Kraków and Helsinki. After finishing my studies I left the safe harbour and went to Nepal for a few months. When I came back I worked with some cultural projects, but I really wanted to get work closely connected to design, but not necessarily in a creative agency. Then I found Montrose. And I’m here!

If you had Bill Gates’ money, what would you spend it on? I would give it to one or a few (because it will be too difficult to choose one!) charity organisations that are doing great work. To some who helps in Third World Countries and provides care to those who have nothing, or education to kids and teenagers. It could be also one who works with refugees. But definitely, I would make research before, to be sure that it’s not a poorly run NGO that wants to earn money, but an organisation that really does great things and cares about people.

I think that I would try to live my life, because it’s pretty ok now.

What is life outside of Montrose like? A lot of things are going on around. I love nature, because it’s amazing, beautiful and always different. I really appreciate spending time with my friends and family, whatever we are doing — going to the mountains, having fun, going out, spending weekends together, camping, sitting near the fire, watching movies, eating breakfasts that can last until lunch, tasty dinners with long conversations and great, craft beer. I am a big mountains lover, so I’m going there as often as possible. I’m also the mountain guide, what gives me this great opportunity to show the beauty to others (I really like working with small kids). But sometimes I like to calm down, wrap up in a cozy blanket and read some novels or reportage books.

