Montrose Supports Internal Team With Complex Yield Calculator

Christopher Martin
Montrose Software Blog
3 min readApr 24, 2020


While the majority of companies have in-house software development teams, there comes a moment when certain skills and capabilities are needed. In most cases, this happens when looking to build new software solutions, or coming across problems that are too complex to fix. Here, I am giving you an example of how this may happen.

Firstly, here is a little bit of information as to why this happens.

With nearly all companies having some kind of online presence, along with using software tools internally, there will be an IT department which has a team of developers and IT specialists. Depending on the tools used, and the online strategy they have, the team will be built with people who have the necessary skills and experience to manage day to day tasks. At times, when a new tool is being built, recruitment will take place to bring in the right people to build and manage the tool, however, this is likely to be the case only within large organisations. Even still, recruiting software developers is difficult enough, but for companies whose core business focus is not software, to be able to build a team that can cover all areas of software is basically impossible. This is where we come in.

We were contacted by a leading financial organisation, who was recommended to us by another client we were working with. They were looking to alleviate their dependence on Bloomberg, and create a Yield Calculator. They had been trying to build the tool for several months, and after this period of time, realised that they needed support.

After discussions, and gaining more information on the difficulties they faced, it became clear what the problem was, they could not recreate the correct yields for mortgage-backed securities. On a Wednesday, in the second week of June, we agreed to begin working on the project.

The following Monday, the first C++ version was created, where the results were much closer to Bloomberg’s than the client had initially. With further testing, and slight moderations and fixes, we were able to match results by the end of the week. At the client’s request, a Java version was released, which they were able to incorporate directly into their own applications.

At this moment now, the tool is being used with great success, and Montrose Software was able to provide the missing skills needed to complete the vision of the client. In-house teams are able to provide the skills needed for the day to day running of the company’s software needs, however, in today’s current market and software landscape, there are many occasions that companies like Montrose Software are needed to provide the quality and expertise to bring the best out of the ideas and visions of new and advance tools and solutions.

At this moment in time, when software is more vital to businesses than ever, the support of external companies is imperative. We are here to offer support of this kind to all those who wish to advance their internal and external tools, and we can do this by becoming a part of the company’s internal team, or working independently. Please get in contact, if you feel you need something extra to bring your visions to life, and give something additional to your clients and staff at this time.

