
Ashish Sarangi
Monuments of Odisha
4 min readAug 5, 2018

There are lots of Buddhist heritage places within our state which we all are unaware of. So one day, I get the information about Aragarh and after that I decided to visit the site.

A route map from Bhubaneswar to Aragarh via Jatani

Aragarh, also known as Airagarh, is situated north of the river Daya in Godiput-Matiapada panchayat under Delang block. It is a hill located 256 feet above sea level and stretches for over three km from east to west.

The sign board
The sign board

The stairs up to the site are really hectic one. First straight and then in zig-zag type. On a sunny day you must have two liters of water with you otherwise it will really give you a dehydration.

The stairs up to the site
The stairs up to the site

Archaeological Findings

On its top(eastern side) there stands a two storied, flat roofed Buddhist Chaitya (temple). The backside of the Chaitya has been closed by a masorry wall, two sides fitted with grilled stoned windows measuring 21" X 20".

Pic. №1

Some more archaeological findings are in below pictures.

Pic. №2
Pic. №3
Pic. №4(Votive Stupas)

The four pillars of Chaitya are carved with nagakanyas and gajasimha motifs. In the upper chamber, Buddhist icons were worshipped. The ground floor was for mendicants. They practised yoga and lived there.

Pic. №5
Pic. №6

I tried to capture inside this chaitya but the picture was not up to the mark. Still, I guess, we can have a view of inside in below photos.

Pic. №7

A broken Buddhist icon of 42" X 21" is also found in this place. Another broken icon of 2 feet X 2feet, made of igneous rock is lying south of this Chaitya. As many Buddhist icons are found here and there on the hill top of Aragarh, it confirms this place as a great stronghold of Buddhism. The site and images of Aragarh dates back to 10th or 11th century A.D.

Pic. №9

A Kunda (54" X 50" X 42") carved out of muguni rock is found 4 feet west of this Chaitya.

Pic. №11

A Kunda (54" X 50" X 42") carved out of muguni rock is found 4 feet west of this Chaitya.

Pic. №12

A view of apsidal chaitya of Aragarh , which is almost in destroyed condition.

Pic. №13 An aerial view from Aragarh.

In the mean time, the Buddhist stronghold declined. But the dying flame of the faith lingered in Odisha for several centuries more, that is, even today.




Ashish Sarangi
Monuments of Odisha

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