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Monzo Bank
Insider insights from the team building the bank of the future
Seven things I learnt scaling research (and design) at Monzo
Seven things I learnt scaling research (and design) at Monzo
Three years ago, I joined Monzo as the first user researcher in the Design team. We were just five people and autonomous product squads…
Samantha Davies
Jan 12, 2021
Refactoring Android Themes with Style: Default styles
Refactoring Android Themes with Style: Default styles
Part 2
Ataul Munim
May 7, 2020
Refactoring Android Themes with Style: Restructuring Themes
Refactoring Android Themes with Style: Restructuring Themes
Making changes to themes and styles safely
Ataul Munim
Apr 29, 2020
The trick we use to make research findings memorable at Monzo
The trick we use to make research findings memorable at Monzo
Research is an important part of how we build things at Monzo. It’s our mission to make money work for everyone, and the only way we can…
Samantha Davies
Jan 23, 2020
Why everyone at Monzo does research
Why everyone at Monzo does research
We’re growing the user research practice at Monzo so every product team has support from a researcher. But we’re growing so fast that it’s…
Samantha Davies
Jun 3, 2019
Pick a card, any card: implementing the Monzo Plus card selection animation on Android
Pick a card, any card: implementing the Monzo Plus card selection animation on Android
We’ve been working recently on Monzo Plus, a way for users to add extra features (like travel insurance) to their account for a monthly…
Ataul Munim
Apr 30, 2019
The tool we use to turn around user research findings fast at Monzo
The tool we use to turn around user research findings fast at Monzo
As we grow as a company and more and more people start using Monzo, user research becomes even more important. We need to run sessions…
Samantha Davies
Feb 10, 2019
Design to protect, not only to empower people
Design to protect, not only to empower people
How the design of a small feature to block gambling transactions made a huge positive impact
Jessica Lascar
Dec 19, 2018
What we learned from moving Monzo 📦
What we learned from moving Monzo 📦
Moving office is a major milestone for any fast-growing startup. These are the dos and don’ts we learned the hard way.
Sep 5, 2018
Understanding how young people manage their money
Understanding how young people manage their money
We want to make money work for everyone, and that includes teenagers who might be managing their money for the first time. Last year we…
Samantha Davies
Aug 6, 2018
The Monzo Reliability Report: How we’re building a bank you can rely on
The Monzo Reliability Report: How we’re building a bank you can rely on
We’ve made Monzo much more reliable over the last 12 months. Here’s our internal data that shows the progress we’ve made, and what we’re…
Oliver Beattie
Jul 24, 2018
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