The importance of disrupt science

Everything we need for improve education experience

Armando Iandolo
MOOCs and Augmented Reality


Is a fact that school is changing.

University is not still the temple of knowledge reserved for a lot of people, but an istitution where we can enter using MOOCs like Coursera or Udacity.

Great. We have found a method for learn all stuff we need to know, but we can think to a new method for disrupt university, specially science.

What happen if I combine MOOCs with AR?

Imagine a world where students can learn surgery, how to drive an Boeing 777, how to build a skyscraper like the Burj Khalifa etc.

We now can think in terms of wearable and massive education.

If we analize the trends of IoT from this year to 2018, we can see the strong growth of wearable devices, tablet and smartphone that, together, are creating a new type of market: medical diagnostics devices (like iHealth), senses gesture and motion control devices (like Thalmic Labs), virtual reality headsets (like Oculus VR, acquired by Facebook, Inc. for $2B) and so on.

Why begin from education?

In India, there will be 526 million total internet users in 2018, up from 213 million in 2013.

In 2013, 24% of IP traffic in India originated from non-personal computer (PC) devices, however, by 2018 the non-PC share of IP traffic will grow to 65%.

Other devices/connections will have higher traffic growth rates over the forecast period, including TVs (from 13% to 14%), smartphones and tablets (from 11% to 51%) and machine-to-machine (M2M) modules (from 0.3% to 1%).

Source: Cisco

This is an amazing opportunity for launch the best MOOC that is IoT addicted.

Is coming a new wave of internet users from developing countries, and they are hungry for knowledge.

We can combine MOOCs with Augmented Reality technology for improve the education experience in countries where skilled people have no much money for continue and complete their studies.

Surgery Academy is a startup who opens the door of all operating room of the world. This startup allows to surgeons to stream any surgerical intervention to student that are joining into a remote operating room and learn surgery in real time. This is possible just using a smartphone or a tablet.

We want that Google Glass will be a routine surgical instrument . Like a scalpel.

“ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. ” — Benjamin Franklin

