LGBTQ / Trans Insta-Love Story

A Guy Walks Into a Bar, and He’s Everything I Want!

Dating is for the birds. I want a guy to just sweep me off my feet, fast, like a man should. I don’t want to have to think. But he’s only stuff of legend and movies, right?

Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings

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I have never fit in the holes society has for folks. I don’t fit neatly into feminine or masculine constructs. When I was a sixteen my sisters and I dressed up like Bratz dolls for Halloween, I knew the moment I saw myself; I was finally looking at the real me. My sisters could not believe it either.

On the one hand, I love my feminine side and everything that comes with it. But I’m an alpha woman. You have to be working where I do. And, If I hadn’t been, I don’t think I would have transitioned. It takes some balls, pardon the pun, to go rogue and be true to yourself. I’m lucky, I guess I take after my mother and sisters, a little hormone adjustment and mostly things fell into place.

It’s been an uphill climb. My parents were, confused. My sisters not so much. I am getting tired of the questions that make me feel like I have to “prove” my womanhood ALL the fucking time. But I admit, I was a little stuck between the cracks. Walking into the Velvet spike, I’m home. Here there aren’t a lot of questions. At least not from the bar tender.

“How you doing tonight Missy?” asked the bartender, he’s not being a misogynist, that’s my name. But I have to say I kind of like a guy that’s, well, a bit of a pig. I like to be treated a little like a slut, even if I don’t say so. I like to watch a guy strut a little. Appropriately. Makes me want to be theirs.

“Oh, same shit. Corporate is coming next week, everyone is freaking out.”
“Ready for your first drink?”
“Sure, I’ll have a tequila sunrise,” I said. “Who’s buying.”
“Like you ever buy. The guy in the booth and the guy over at the pool table.”

I looked to see and it was the usual gang of perverts. Gotta love them, but not tonight. I checked out the girl at the bar next to me and took a drag of my cigarette. “You’re new, at least I haven’t seen you before?”

She looked up in sort of a half stink eye way. “Are you hitting on me? I’m not queer.”
“You wish. Good to know that you’re not queer, though. I have some dicks to unload. You going to nurse that coke all night, or would rather nurse a cock?”

I almost got a laugh out of her, but she was determined to be a sullen kill-joy. I ordered a mojito for myself and pushed the sunrise over to her, both of them. “Here, maybe this will sweeten your disposition.”
“Fuck you,” she said.
“Sure, whatever. But now that you have the drinks, you have to deal with the assholes that bought them. So table 2 and both 3 are your picks tonight. Night.”

I waved at the guys and smiled as I finished my drink fast and headed for the door. They are going to be a bit disappointed in her, I think. No cock and all. But that’s what they get.

A guy held the door open for me and followed me out. Ah, the smell of the city. Or is that urine from the alley? I got out another cigarette and lit it. It’s such a nice night with all the crack heads out. Fuck Uber, I think I will walk. I like the whistles and catcalls. So do a lot of women, truth be told.

“Hey, I…” the guy that held the door open started to talk. Fuck.
“I…” He said again. Spit it out, man, so I can say no and move on. He stopped.
“No,” I said and walked away. Just thought I would jump to the end.
“What? You have no idea what I was going to say.”
“Yeah, I do. You think I’m stupid. I didn’t just walk out of a church. You’re curious, I’m tired and hungry and you’re on my nerves.”
“Ok? That’s all you have to say for yourself?” I said. Come on man, I am talking to you, man up. I gave you the hints. I wait. Mousey men don’t turn me on. Wait, no, they do, sometimes. But tonight I am not in the mood. Ok, time’s up. I start to walk away again, confident that there is a slice of pizza just a couple of blocks away.

“Why are you being such a bitch?” he said. I stop in my tracks. “Fucking hot chicks, you’re all the same. Think the world revolves around you. Picky, self entitled…”
Now this is new, and it made me a little hot. I stopped, crushed out my cigarette, and headed back toward him. “What did you call me?” I asked.
“I… I called you a bitch,” he said with a little less conviction, looking like he wanted to run.
“What you think you can act however you want and someone isn’t going to call you on it. Bet you’re one of those feminists too, right? I’m just some idiot man?”

Ooo, I like this guy. He’s not a pig, I can tell, but he’s got a little backbone, but he’s doing the little PC dance, which means he’s still hopeful. It’s giving me a little boner, I have to say.
“Well, you said it, not me,” I said. He swallowed. I think he’s going to shit himself. “I’m not a feminist. I’m not traditional either. I guess that goes without saying.”
“Why what?”
“Why would it go without saying? What does that mean?”

Hmmm. He’s just walked out of a bar known for its gay and trans clientele. Did they change the sign? I looked at the door, no it’s pretty clear. Now that I think of it, I haven’t seen this guy around before. That’s about when my blood runs cold. This happens every once in a while. A cis guy strolls up on me and starts up. Usually it happens in the office, not here.

“Look, I’m not your kind of girl,” I said.
“What kind of girl is that?” he asked. “You a hooker, or a dancer? You have a dark secret past? Prison? Spy?”
“Ok, now you’re just being an asshole,” I said, and gave him another look. “You’re not very smooth.”
“So I’m not your type, I guess,” he said.
“I didn’t say that,” I said.

This is a very terrifying dance for me. Alpha chick or not, I don’t know how this will play out and it can get a little ugly sometimes. I looked through my purse, fuck I left my taser at home. There was an awkward silence.

“Look, I’m not good at this, you know. Like you said, I’m not very smooth, I just, I didn’t see a ring and I meant what I said about you being hot,” he said. He seemed genuine, he had no idea.
“Ok, so… Where did you want this to go? What was your plan?”
“I didn’t have one. I did figure it would be a no. But, I don’t know, you just got under my skin dismissing me like that. I mean, you don’t know me, at least tell me no because you know you don’t like me,” he said.

Jesus christ, he’s worried I don’t like him? “So what, I save the no until after I get to know you? And you thought no plan would impress me? Or was I just going to jump on your dick?” I said, busting his balls a little. “Got a plan yet?”

“Well, there is this great pizza place down the street,” he said. Ok, well, first I am so fucking hot right now, it’s like he’s reading my mind, and second, I want to jump him so bad. He’s cute anyway, and his idea of a date is pizza.

The pizza place was packed beyond belief. But he stood in line and I found a place to sit.
“Here you go. I bring to the wild pizza beast,” he said and I dug in. He laughed.
“You’re not like the women I usually date,” and there goes my boner. I was having fun and now this. My heart stopped.
“What? Did I say something wrong? Oh fuck, yeah, I get it. Bringing up other women. Sorry.”
“No, it’s Ok, I guess neither of us is a virgin,” I said.
“Wow,” he said and took a piece of pizza.
“Look,” I sighed. We were in a busy public place, after all. “I have something to tell you.”
“You’re married? You have a boyfriend? I can take them,” he said, smiling. I wiped my mouth and sipped my soda.
“No, you can’t, you wouldn’t, because I would say no to both. You want the wife and the kids, the picket fence, and I love that. You’re a nice guy,” I said.
“And you’re not into a nice guy? Or the picket fence?”

I wasn’t making any headway toward the truth of the matter. A truth that shouldn’t matter, but it kind of does. I’m no-op and I am happy with my transition. I am happy with my job and I knew going in I wasn’t getting the whole enchilada.
“Hey, look, it’s a first date. This is getting really heavy and I don’t even know your name.”
I bit my lip. “I’m a trans woman,” I said, drop the mic.
“Oh,” he said. “So… You don’t have a name?”

He didn’t seem to be phased. Was I that easy to size up? Maybe he did know the bar was a gay/trans bar. This is where I start doubting everything about him, his motives, his kinks. My mother’s and sister’s voices bouncing around in my head, telling me to get over myself. That I always do this.

“I’m Missy, that’s my name,” I said and suddenly didn’t feel like eating. Here is where he starts asking the questions. I should write a book titled ‘fuck me and read this later.’ I liked him, I wanted him.
“That’s unusual, very southern,” he said.
“You want to ask more questions?”
“About what? Oh, yeah. I guess, what do you do?”
“Um… I work in an office. I’m a stockbroker,” I said.
“You do that floor thing?”
“No, well, yeah, but what I do is all online. What do you do?”
“I’m a doctor,” he said.
“Really? You’re a doctor?”
“Yeah, ER. I teach trauma surgery mostly,” he said. “My name is Ben.”

We talked, and we walked. I don’t know where, we just walked and found ourselves at the river. I could see myself waking up with him. But I didn’t want to ruin it. I wish I could stop time right now and live in this moment.
“It’s going to be daylight soon,” I said.
“Yeah,” he said, looking at his watch. “I guess I should take you home.”
Yes, please… “If you want,” I said.
“That’s a long way from a no,” he said and stepped up into my space, and took my hips into his hands. He moved forward a little, and stopped. Then a little closer. I leaned in another half of the way, then he kissed me. Gentle, but probing, I fell into it with everything I had.

“Ben?” I started to say.
“My place?”
“I don’t want this to end. Fuck, you’re so sexy, you’re so easy to talk to. Normally a girl opens her mouth and she ruins it, but you.”
“I don’t want to walk you home and watch you close the door behind you,” he said. “Please.”
My heart was pounding. My god, I was so excited. It’s been the date I have always wanted. The one I thought would never come and here it was and I was a wreck.
“It’s been a long time since,” I said and he kissed me again.
“Me too.”
“My place, if that’s OK.”

We walked a little faster, as fast as two people with fat boners can walk. Stopping to make out here and there. It was everything I could do not to fuck him in every alley. I fumbled nervously with my keys. The fucking lock was not cooperating. Ben stepped around me and deftly opened the lock. Then I pulled him inside and we made out in the hallway.

“Fuck, you make me so horny,” I told him as I stripped off his tie. Shirt buttons were made by the fucking devil, so I tore it off of him. He pulled at my coat, which I took off. He was better with buttons as I kicked off my shoes. We kissed again as he fumbled with the back of my bra, looking for the hooks. I’ll tell him in a minute that the clasp is in front.

I unzipped my skirt and let it fall. The none-too-sexy work panties I had on made me cringe. He had stopped giving a shit about my bra, pulled one strap down and pulled one tit out of the cup. His lips hit my nipple and my whole body flushed with heat. “Fuck Ben, I love that. I want to suck your dick so badly,” I said, cradling his head with my arm.

He pulled me in close as I felt his hard cock against mine. And I think he did too. I was hard as a rock. He kissed me and smiled. Then swept me off my feet and headed down the hall, presumably on the way to take me to bed and fuck me. It was all going so fast.

“To the left,” I told him. He went right toward the kitchen. “Your other left. You’re a surgeon, you say?”
“I’m a little distracted,” he said as we crashed into the bedroom. He set me down and I sat on the bed, pulling down his underwear. I took his cock into my mouth. His moan was my reward. He was just the perfect size. I could get a lot of him in my mouth. I bobbed on his cock. But then he pulled back and pushed me back onto the bed.

With the agility of a surgeon, he had a hold of my panties and pulled them down to my thighs. My cock bounced out into plain view and instinctively I covered my shame. Ben finished pulling off my panties and I tried to butt-walk up the bed, but his naked body gently covered mine as he kissed me again.
“Ben, please, give me a minute,” I said. I was having a heart attack. I would never have guessed he would be so aggressive. I loved it. I loved it all and I tried to think hard. Did I want to fuck him? I know it’s hard to imagine, but I was a virgin. I wanted to just open my legs, let Ben between them, and feel him slide into me. It all sounds great, right up until you feel a dick at the back door.

“Ok, sure. I’m sorry, I’m all over you,” he said.
“No, baby I love it, but, I’m a virgin, you know. Can I just suck you off?”
“I want you to get off too.”
“God, where did you come from? I love that, but…”
“You have some lube?” he asked. Ok, here we go, he’s a guy. One track mind. He just wants to get his dick in a hole. I can respect that, I guess. So much for the nice guy. But of all the guys I have met that could say it, he was the one that could get away with it.
“I have some coconut oil, in the kitchen,” I said. “Want me to get it?”
“I’ll get it, you get a towel,” he said. Ok then, what does he expect will happen, I shit the bed? He got up and in a minute I had a towel on the bed and he had the oil.

I got a little uptight when he touched my stuff, I have to say. I was a little taken back by how easy it was for him. There I go again, guessing about his motives and then it struck me. Why are we lubing up my junk? Shouldn’t we be oiling up my ass?
“Ok,” he said and put the oil on the nightstand.
“I don’t know if this will work but, put you legs together,” he said. I put my legs together. “No, wait, push yourself down.”
“You’re pretty bossy,” I said and slid down.
“You should see me in the ER. Now, your clit I guess, push it down, between your legs.”
“My cock? It’s Ok, I know it’s a cock.”
“Yeah, Ok. Sorry. Now put your knees together. I’m not sure how this will work.”
“Really? I have no idea what you’re doing, but I’m liking it.”

He pushed my legs forward and spread his legs, lining up his cock like he had found some vagina I was unaware of. Then he settled forward and oh, fuck. “Oh doctor, what the…”

His cock slipped between my legs, his cock sliding over mine. The head of my dick sliding into his ass crack. “Oh, doctor. Fuck, that feels good,” I said as his cock slid back and forth. My tits bounced with each thrust. My man was fucking me, hard. God, I loved it. Our cocks rubbing together. I was astounded by his physique. I loved his body, I loved his cock.

“Jesus christ, I’m going to come,” I said, more than a little surprised. His cock bearing down on mine with each thrust, the head of my cock grinding his taint. Where his balls went, I had no idea, but he tucked better than I do. “Oh, Oh fuck… Yes. Yes, Ben I’m coming.”

I shot my wad, thank god I put down the towel, this was an expensive bed spread. A few furious thrusts later, Ben’s hot cum shot between my legs and across my belly. I felt his cock twitch and throb as he did. I had never felt so completely sexy and feminine in my life as when this man collapsed on top of me, our sweaty bodies touching, his kisses on my lips. All the while telling me how sexy I was. I was… in love with this man. I didn’t want to be. I only just met him. But I couldn’t help it.

He rolled off me and I used the towel to clean up. I reached for my panties.
“Just leave them,” he said.
“A girl likes to wear panties to bed.”
“They won’t stop me fucking you again,” he said.
“I hope not,” I said. “But I need to pee. Be right back.”

I trembled as I sat there taking a piss. This was not happening. I hadn’t just fallen for this heartbreak on legs. Fuck. I didn’t dare hope. I know how this ends. I know this dance. Right? Please be different.

“Hey, hurry up, or I’ll have to pee in the shower,” he said. There he was, watching me pee. What is it with guys and no privacy? I wiped, got up, and pulled up my panties.
“All yours,” I said. I loved how he looked at me, how he pawed at my tits and ass and kissed me as I went by. “I thought you had to pee?”
“Fuck, you’re just so sexy.”
“Stop, go pee, meet you in bed,” I said.

As I laid there, grinning my ass off, snuggling under the covers, I watched him stand there and pee. God damn he was a hunk. He shook it a few times and smiled, then came back and got in. I didn’t know how or when this would end, but it was Friday night and I could probably get at least a weekend out of it. So I pulled off my panties and flicked them to the foot of the bed. My hand found his cock, already thickening again. I let him touch me, too. We kissed.

“We are never going to get any sleep,” Ben said.
“I slept yesterday, I’m good,” I said and rolled him on top of me. I’m going to fuck this guy, really fuck him, I want to feel him come inside me. I’m ready to be his completely. “Fuck me.”
“You sure?” he asked.

I would love to tell you how it was magic. It wasn’t. I was scared and it was uncomfortable. I bled, and I couldn’t walk straight. But I loved him. I still do, so it was worth it. And in a way, it made me feel even more like the woman I am. But my sister said it best, “It’s not about a guy, it’s about the right guy!”

He didn’t just stay the weekend. I met his friends, his family, he met mine. We planned camping trips and he protects me from mice and spiders. It’s all just… So, normal. I am getting used to it, talking about a baby, a house, marriage, like you do. I am still a little freaked out by it, but in a good way.

It took a while for us to talk about us. There were things I know he wanted to ask, but he didn’t. I am ashamed to say I am the one that broke first, asking him if he was pan or bi, since he never really addressed it. His response was priceless.

“I’m a man, that’s about it. You’re a woman. I like you. Does a label make you happier? Are you having doubts about us?” said Ben.
“No, I just… Ugh, now I am that person asking the stupid questions.”
“Am I not doing it for you?” asked Ben.
“No, you totally are,” I said in defense.
“It’s because I don’t go down on you right. I’ve just never done that.”
“What? Like never, never?”
“No, gross. I know other guys do. But I don’t.”
“Ever eat ass?” I said, fucking with him.
“What no!”
“So you want me to go down on you, eat your ass, but you won’t do it for me? Men! What’s the thing, the taste, the smell?”
“All of the above. Do you like everything you ever tasted?”
“Not everything, but most things,” I said and smiled. He’s a meat and potatoes man. Basic. But I love him anyway.

I loved that he treated me no different than any other woman. But then, it kind of pissed me off to be lumped in with every other woman. I know it makes no sense, I’m a woman after all, I don’t have to. But I forgave him the next week, when took the hit and ate my ass, well, after rubbing a little flavored lube on me. He really knows how to make me feel special.

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Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings

Stories on the edge, blurring the lines. Edgy Erotica not for the faint of heart