Tentacle Erotica / Lovecraftian

An offering of Love to the Elder Gods.

tentacles are sexy, slimy and naughty when you think about it.

Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings


Willa had been sad for a long time. So much so her family sent her away to a place that they said, could help her. But it didn’t help much. Her grandmother came and took her out.

“It’s Ok Willa, your not crazy, he loves you and soon, this will pass. You will understand what it all means,” she assured her. That made Willa feel good, for the first time in a long time.
“Who Grans, who loves me?” Will asked.
“When the time comes child, he’s difficult to describe or comprehend, it’s best just to have faith, he reveals himself differently to everyone.”

Her grandmother lived by the ocean, water all around. The house itself, was partly suspended over it. The sounds of the waves calmed her. She watched the sunsets and relaxed. She began to small things.

Willa was sitting on the floor, the knothole beneath her bottom. She had noticed something strange coming from it last night. It only showed itself for just a moment, and only when she walked close. Will thought she might be crazy. She was determined to see if she was. She sensed it want to play.

When she lowered herself to the ground, near the hole she watched in fascination, there it was again, just a flash. She had an uncomfortable feeling as if something was trying to make its way through the hole. But it was hesitating. Did it want to love her, was this who grans had talked about.

Cautiously, Willa took off her underwear and squatted over the knothole in the floor, her tiny flower open and moist in anticipation. It came out slowly, a small ribbed tentacle, slick with slime and water. It seemed shy.

“It’s ok little guy,” she said. As it reach up and tickled her clit, leaving her button slick and tingling. And other knot hole opened and a larger tentacle surged forward. Instantly, she felt the tentacle wriggle its way up her legs and into her pussy.
“Ohhh, Fuck. Yes…” Will whispered as she felt it stretch her wide. It had a rhythm of expanding and contracting, like it was breathing. It felt wonderful.

Another followed and up her ass it went. Willa gasped in shock and pleasure as the tentacles moved their way inside her. Deeper than she thought. She knelt now as the tentacles bulged inside, knotting with her and welding her to the floor as she writhed in ecstasy.

The sensation was both strange and exhilarating. She felt the tentacles moving inside her, caressing her inner walls, teasing her sensitive spots. She moaned in pleasure as the tentacles continued to explore her body, pushing her further and further into new heights of pleasure. She saw the little tentacle still caressing her clit.

“Come on little man, do you want more. Would you like a kiss,” she said sweetly as its brothers made love to her. Slowly the smaller thin tentacle extended itself to her and touched her lips, a thick sticky white fluid exuding from the tip. She licked it’s salty nectar and then licked it up and down. It made its way past her lips, she played with it with the tongue.

All at once, like the others had done, the tentacle surged quickly, sliding down her throat. She gagged as first, her eyes watered. It filled her mouth and yet, oddly she could breathe, she relaxed as she let this… entity take her completely. She had never felt so loved.

Now completely consumed, she gave herself over to a massive orgasm building within her. The tentacles seemed to sense it, intensifying the sensations until she exploded in a wave of pleasure.

It felt so strange, yet it felt so right. Then, each began to pulse and Willa could feel something inside her as the tentacles deposited their eggs. The small tentacle pulled free of her mouth, and she coughed up thick white cream as it left. She cried out in pleasure as the tentacles each brought her to a joy she had never known. Having given her its gift, each finally left her body. Her holes dilated, dripping juices of thier love. Leaving a warmth and a tingling inside her that could only be described as ecstasy.

Willa felt an intense satisfaction penetrate her body, unlike anything she had ever felt before. Concerns of sanity, depression, anxiety all gone, replaced by love. She didn’t know what it was that she had gone through, but she knew she had really enjoyed it.

As Willa rose from the floor, she felt different, changed. She walked dazed into the living room, thoughts of a greater universe danced in her head. The reality of men a miniscule speck in her mind now. And with it all of man’s concerns reduced to an infinitesimally small concern. Her grandmother smiled at her.

“Do you understand dear, his love,” she asked. Willa nodded and smiled as she rubbed her belly. “I’m glad. You see, it’s all better now. Isn’t it? Thier reality is so much broader than ours, they experience love more intensely. Once you see how very small we are nothing matters but his love.”

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Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings

Stories on the edge, blurring the lines. Edgy Erotica not for the faint of heart