Sci-fi — Future Erotica / LitRPG Erotica

Cyber Geisha: Popping the Cherry Blossom.

Traditionally, Geisha are not sex workers. Tell that to a pile of horny programmers who made up the character type. The system must have read my memories, they showed I taught Asian history… Oh god. Now what!

Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings


We have come so far into space. IO, Saturn, the belts. There’s talk about going even further to the outer Kuiper objects, and beyond. But for all our advancements we live in trash cans. Moving the filth around from one corner to the other. Sometimes transforming it for a second before entropy claims it yet again.

Our minds are fragile, meant for the earth where we grew up, not deep space. What it must have been like when the earth was a green and blue orb. It is a distant and yellow thing now. In any case, some say we should have died with her. They say that carbon monoxide boiled off her oceans. Others speak of conspiracy. The ring of for-never they call it.

But we adapt, the neural relay core systems cradle our minds now, our bodies confined but our minds free. But like any good drug, it takes its toll. I never understood it. Didn’t they see what it was doing. I stayed out until now.

Then a letter came from a company called SavageFantasy. Curious, I opened it and my jaw dropped. Three thousand credits transfer? What was this, I needed answers, and I wanted them now. Dean and I had talked about this. He was my roommate, my late husband’s younger brother. He was ten when I met him, and after my husband died on the ammonia mines, I inherited him. I thought we were getting close, but he had a lot of demons. Not the least of which was watching me in the shower. He knew I was against NR games; he had cortex addictions, and he always accused me of acting like his mother, but now…

With the check in hand, I went to his private study and knocked. Nothing. I knocked again. I looked at the crack under the door. The light was on.

“Dean,” I said loudly and knocked on the door again.

“Mmm, Oh yea,” I thought I heard Dean’s voice through the door. I pressed myself against his door.

“Suck it, I want to see what that’s like,” Dean said. What the hell did he have a girl in there. He’s ignoring me and fucking some whore? Why are they not answering? Then I heard a frightening series of groans and moans that scared the hell out of me. I tried the door, and it was locked.

I ran to the bathroom door and retrieved the lock pick tool I had on the upper door molding. I ran back and fumbled with the tool in the small hole in the door handle. I heard gasps and groans, and I could not imagine what was happening. It sounded like he couldn’t breathe. Then I flung open the door. There he was, completely naked, laid out on the bed. His body ridged and muscles spasming in his legs and arms. He was attached to some contraption. Much more than the typical ocular gear I had seen, the NR deck whining as all the lights flashed.

“Dean, Dean, Oh my god,” I yelled, but he only convulsed. I ran to the bed and looked at him, what do I do. I got on the bed beside him, his back arched and I reached for the NR to disconnect it.

It was then something splashed my arm. I looked down at the thick white fluid and turned to see where it had come from. A second jet of it hit me across the neck and breasts. He was having an orgasm, I couldn’t move, another jet of his cum now sprayed me partly on the cheek at the corner of my mouth.

I put my hand over the head of his cock and felt several more spurts into my hand as I felt his cock twitch and his cum ran between my fingers. His breathing slowed, and his body stopped convulsing. He started to breathe normally. There I was holding his cock, his cum all over me and without thinking I licked at the splash on my lips. The musky, salty flavor brought me to my senses.

“Shit,” I said. I just tasted his cum. He started to stir and the VR deck fan slowed. He was coming out of the interface. I got up. I backed away, I needed to get out. He could not see me with his jizz all over me. He had never intended for me to see this. How embarrassing.

But I thought I should stay, make sure he’s OK. But how to explain this. I decided to turn and leave when I saw the pile of checks, the stubs anyway. There must have been six or seven and a letter. I grabbed the letter and left, closing the door quietly as I wiped my hand on my shirt.

I was a bit shaken and wondering what to do, so I called my friend Kirsten. She and I used to game together when we were younger and she went on to get a job with OtherShade game company. We talked on the com.

“Can you get the cores, or that harness you saw? I would love to look at the logs to this thing. Nothing in NR should have done that,” she said.

“I don’t know. I can’t just take his shit,” I said.

“Get me the harness for a couple hours and I will see what I can do, it’s got to have a diagnostic interface. I won’t need it long.”

“Ok, when.”

“How about two hours?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Dean rummaged around in his room. When he did come out, he looked spent.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Out. I’ll be late,” he said. I wanted to ask about the money, but I wanted to find out what that thing was more. So I waited a few minutes and then went into his room and packed the whole console, harness attached, into a backpack and left.

Kirsten was immediately intrigued, “this is really advanced,” she said, pulling some data from the console. “I would love to see this thing in action. This is a full neuron aura interface. I have heard of them, military applications. They supposedly connect to the entire nervous system, but like a sort of WiFi. I can see this thing really fucking you up if the calibration drifts.”

“What’s that mean, drift.”

“Neuro chemistry changes as synapse fire. Over time the connection warps, changes and goes unstable. There’s no computer fast enough in the world to compensate, it could trigger the seizure you saw,” she said.

“I’ll do it.”


“I’ll test it. I need to know what it’s doing to Dean. To see if it can be undone.”

“Wow Molly, I don’t know.”

“We have the whole console, the games interface and everything, why not?”

“Because it wasn’t tuned to you for a start. Wait, what’s this,” she squinted at the screen. “It’s got a load and calibration sub. We can stay inside that, I should be able to control the variables. Let put the thing on.”

Try as we might in several configurations, nothing worked. “You’re going to have to get naked. I bet it has to be right up against the skin.”

I took off my cloths and the console flicker to life as she thought.

“There, this thing is amazing. We are going to have to initialize it, you remember your password?”


“Ok, you’re going to have to manifest an avatar, the system will guide you. I bet it has a lot of new shit in there. Just try to stay basic. Ready?”

“Yeah? Basic, Ready,” I put my thumb up as she dialed in the NR and my conscious mind fell through a kaleidoscope.

Welcome to the Dyne. Select mode…

“Display eligible avatar.” but it didn’t seem to respond.

Avatar scanning. Collection complete. Initializing… SG001. Tension 1000.

“What the hell is happening,” as I felt myself start to fall.

“Relax,” I heard Kirsten’s voice in my mind. “I am checking. It looks like you’re dropping straight into the core. I told you to just select one and hold tight.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“I bet it’s adaptive AI. The guys at SavageFantasy were working on something to auto-select a character, based on you. You should be OK.”

“Something’s happening,” I felt a tingle. I had been in before, this had never happened.


“My skin fells tingly a little burny if that makes sense.”

“Shit, we are starting to drift. Let me see if I can focus the harness oscillations,” she said.

“Harness oscillations?” I asked when a menu came up. There were a dozen things to select. I picked auto. it seemed the safest.

“Holy shit, what did you do? Your body just arched unbelievably, it’s still there.”

“I selected auto. Should I not have?”

“No, it’s processing some major data, but I don’t know how, it’s fucking intense. This should not be happening. Hang on,” and I heard a click. The com was dead.

“Kirsten, Kirsten, fuck.”

My eyesight cleared, and I was standing in a temple. There were a few others around. Fuck, I’m in the core. I decided to just stand there and wait for Kirsten. There was display, no harm in looking. But before I did, several people turned and looked at me. I was naked. But they didn’t seem interested in that. They were reading displays, inspection mode.

“Wow. A Geisha Avatar. What the fuck,” one said.

“A Geisha? No way, where?”

“There, the red aura, she’s still in cool down. First play, fuck she’s beautiful,” he said. I recognized the voice, I thought, but how could I? The voices are all synth.

They converged on me. “Select basic gear.” I thought and a red silk robe covered me, it was a Kimono and my hair pulled up as I felt my face change, my skin turning white. The display came up.

“Cyber Geisha online Stamina (ST) 10, sexual energy (SE) 1, then 2, 3…” What did it mean.

“She’s online and charging,” The guy said.

“No way, she has to be a sym, a demo. This can’t be online yet. We are weeks away from a full test,” another said. He tried to touch me, the agro flag set, and I flinched, but instead of a quick jerk back, the practice hand of some martial arts preset kicked in.

The yellow display said: Basic block (SE 5, success) Basic throw (SE 3)The guy went flying. I felt dizzy. The Se counter reset and started again at 1.

Level up: ST +10, I now had 20. But what did it mean.

“Whoa, wait, wait. Chill, you must be the new chick they said was coming. Amazing. No one has ever been able to control an advanced avatar before,” He said. It was Dean’s voice. I could swear it was.

“Dean? Dean, it’s me, Molly, where am I.”

“What the fuck? It can’t be,” he said. It was Dean. But how was he here, his rig was at home?

“Molly? are you OK. How did you get here.”

“I’m in your harness. Kirsten is my operator. How does this work? What do I do? I need to unload?”

“It doesn’t have an unload, you just will it to let go.”

“What, how?”

One of the others stepped up. “No, I finished the unload. She should be able to access it. Look for options, system, unload.”

“Ok, I’ll look,” I did as asked but it was grey. “It’s grey.”

“Activate it anyway, the color filter might be wrong.”

I tried and red text came up: Not available until level 3 unlock.

“What the fuck,” Said Dean. “Why is it level dependant?”

“Dude, she must have the last update, before I tested the menu. There was a level bug.”

“What now?” I asked, starting to get a little scared.

“Shit. Ok, look the rules are simple. You’re going to have to level up. Stamina is how much energy your neurons can take. When you practice, the system will handle more. Sexual energy is what you can put into a move, but it can’t be more than your stamina. If you overdrive, you seize, and that hurts a lot, it can kill you.”

“Yeah, it definitely will in geisha mode. Her sensitivity is set to max.”


“Dude, it’s sexual, you need to feel it all,” the other player said.

“So where do we start?”

“Combat, then submission, If I live that long. You have some really hard core presets,” Dean said. “I don’t even know how the fuck you selected this.”

“Dude, it selected her. She must have something the scan found.”

“I’m a history teacher. What the fuck could it have found?” I asked.

“You study Japan?”

“Yeah, why. I did my thesis on feudal Japan.”

“That’s why. The chick coming to test is from an old Asian sector of the belt. That’s why no one else has been selected.”

“This isn’t historically accurate,” I said.

“Who cares, it’s a game.”

Dean tried to lunge and my leg came straight up. The Text in Yellow: Axe Kick, SE 21, Success. My leg came down, the heel catching Dean’s shoulder, and stomped him into the ground. My head hurt, my eyesight blurred.

System overdrive: Failure probability 3%.

“Did I kill him? Oh fuck, Dean?”

“He’s fine, his stam is 500, but if you don’t preset the SE you’re going to kick the bucket fast. Your adrenals are wild. I can’t tap in from here, but your operator can’t adjust that down.”

Suddenly Dean came up from underneath me. I was riding his shoulder for a second until he slammed me down on my back: Stamina -15, body slam, dazed 10 seconds.

“Temporal rift ability.” (success)

“Temporal Space, 30x30x10,” (success)

“Disarm,” (success) my kimono dissolved.

“What are you doing?” I asked as the daze effect ended.

“You can only fight with the kimono on, those are the combat subs.” Dean said.

“And now?”

Kirsten popped back into the com. “You can only progress by fucking now. Your adrenals are out of control, if you don’t get out in ten minutes you’re going to die. I have the guys over at Savage on the line. You need to fuck like your life depends on it, because it does.”

“What do I do?”

Dean was ahead of her. His armor and clothing dissolved and I felt his cock against my belly. What the hell? Would a Cyber jockey need a dick? It hit me, Dean really was going to fuck me. It sent a surge of warmth through me and I, I felt, wet?

“Ready?” He asked.

“Just fuck me, Dean. The SE counter is already over my stamina.”

“That’s easy,” he said, and I felt him touch my breasts, he slipped a finger inside me and I felt every motion. We had never done this in real life, but he did it like he really felt it.

“Ohh, fuck, that feels good.” Body Response SE-10. the counter went down a bit. He bit my nipples. (Body response SE-10), he rolled me over and grabbed my ass, his finger slipped up my ass, (body response SE-10) “Oh, yes, what are you doing to me! Fuck”

“He’s draining you, it’s working. You’re at SE 15. It’s safe now, but for every SE he drains he will get hit with that at the end if you win.”

“That’s not so bad, right, I can just loose, let him drain me.”

You have to win, at least three levels of it, or you’re stuck in there with a runaway adrenal response and you will die in eight minutes.”

I sat up on Dean and felt his cock between the lips of my virtual pussy. Time to fight back. Dean’s stamina score was still high, but there was a red energy bar now, failure penalty at 350 already. What the fuck. His stam was only 500.

“Why is dean down 350 already,” I asked.

“He was playing a match when you dropped in. Dean use a stam dose,” Kirsten said.

“Can’t, they are part of my armor, have to just work through it, get the buffers ready,” he said cryptically.

What now, I tried to understand, what was happening? I did fast math in my head, but none of it made sense. In no equation did the numbers work.

“Now or never, Dean,” Kirsten said.

“How?” He asked.

“Has to be amazon according to the diagrams. The only other way is to make her take the hit. She’s never been in this deep before. She would probably survive the coma,” she said. Diagrams? Coma? What were they talking about and why could I feel everything? Dean’s fingers probing my pussy, my wet pussy, his mouth on my tits.

Dean put his legs up and put my hands on his ankles. What the hell was this. Was I going to grow a dick.

“This isn’t a preset. You’re going to have to mount him, Molly,” Kirsten said.

“Do what? I thought he is supposed to…” but Dean grabbed my hips and pushed his cyber cock between his legs. “Oh. Amazon? Why again?”

I had done this once. When my husband and I first dated, he was going too slow, so I decided to fuck him. I made him lay back, spread his legs and I pretended to fuck his ass, but as we played, I got on his dick and we fucked in a sort of reverse missionary, me on top. Dean helped me and I slid up his legs until his cock slipped into my crack. I felt his tool just inside my pussy.

“Hang on tight, Molly, this is going to be intense,” Kirsten said. I barely remembered loosing my virginity the first time, I was pretty drunk. This time I was being deflowered with full vivid cyber stimulation connections. I decided to just do it fast. I sat down on him. A sudden sharp pain in my belly made me realize I should not have done that.

Then the yellow text appeared: Virginity Unlock, 10000 credits. Level 2. Stam +500, new power Heightened SE +1% per second, Anal lotus power enabled.

“Wow, what’s that?” I wondered as his huge cock invaded me. “An unlock? I’m not a virgin.”

“You are in here,” said Kirsten. I had gotten lost in the tingly sensations all over my body. I felt stronger. Dean thrust up unto me and my insides were melting. I hadn’t been fucked like this since…

I heard the system counting up the SE number, one tick every second. Fuck, that was a lot faster than before. Then I felt him slide his finger up my ass and the Sexual energy jumped to 135. My pussy was on fire, I wanted to cum. “Fuck Dean, that’s good. Yeah. I’m going to come,”

“Hold off a moment, I don’t know if we have time to start over,” Dean said.

“What’s he talking about,” out of my mind with lust now ready to explode.

“I am dampening the inputs a little,” Kirsten said, and the orgasm maddeningly receded. “You need 200 to activate your power, and another 10 to activate beguiling kiss.”

Dean was at a residual of 450. 200 hundred more would overdrive him. No, no, that would kill him. An overdrive of three or ten, maybe, not 150. Dean pulled me down to him.

“Kiss me, Molly,” he said.

“I don’t want to.”

“You have to. It’s the only way to the unlock.”

“No. what if I don’t want to?”

“Then you stay locked in, trapped inside your mind, I can’t let that happen. I love you.”

He, what? I felt a surge of energy between us as the words registered. He took the back of my head and pulled me in even as I fucked him. I wanted him so badly. It wasn’t this place; I realized I had loved him for a little while now. That’s a rare thing on the stations where sex is a function like any other bodily function. I kissed him back.

The yellow text came up: Beguiling Kiss SE10 (success) Player one subdued. Anal lotus available.

“I love you too, Dean, fuck my ass,” I said. Speech commands are unnecessary, I get that, but I wanted to say the words, in case I didn’t get to later.

“Buffers are online, Dean,” Kirsten said. “The guys have a lock on the control panel. We can punch her out as soon as she levels.”

Dean grabbed my waist with his legs and the gravity routines turned off. We were floating. “What’s this?”

“One of my special abilities, Zero G,” he said, and his cock slipped out of me. We spun in midair and he rubbed my ass. I reached back and spread my ass cheeks for him. This, I was good at. My legs folded into the lotus and dean grabbed them, his cock pushing at my tightest holes, I bore down like I was taking a good shit and his cock slipped in deep in one stroke.

“Fuck, that’s. Wow. God that does not feel this good in the real world. We have to do this again, soon,” I said. I would have loved to be able to grab a sheet or something, instead I grabbed my tits as Dean fucked my ass hard. Suddenly everything got super intense.

The system said: Dampening timer expiration in 5 seconds. Oh fuck, fuck the feelings that Kirsten had dampened were coming back like a wave. His cock was splitting me in half and the orgasm that had receded was back in a big way. “Fuck, I’m going to come, yes, fill me up Dean.” I came hard, I felt myself convulse on his dick and I felt like I was flickering.

Anal Lotus position SE-200. Success, player two residual surge 700. Geisha wins.

My mind was a blur of feelings. My pussy was on fire, my asshole felt like it was expanding and suddenly Dean’s avatar was sucked into me, like water down a drain.

The yellow text appeared: Fan Dance unlock, Fluttering Felatio unlock. Level 3, advanced menu available. SE+1000, ST+500.

…. System Shutdown, everything went black.

Then suddenly I was on the table in the lab, the harness wrapped around me like a snake; I was still coming, my back was arched off the table, I grabbed the air for anything in a mix of panic and ecstasy. I could barely catch my breath.

I caught a hand. It was Kirsten’s, “You’re OK. You’re out. Just in time, we are injecting you with Cytadren and a sedative. You’re going to sleep a while.”

“What about,” I tried to form the words, my mind growing heavy, “What about Dea….”

I was in a moment’s dreamless sleep. I woke to a pounding headache and my pussy still throbbing. I could still feel Dean in my ass. As sounds and light began to come into focus, I felt someone. Someone holding my hand.

“Dean?” I asked and tried to open my eyes.

“It’s me.”

“How, it’s not possible. This is a dream,” I said as his face came into focus slowly.

“It’s not a dream. I had a buffer, and as an NR addict I can take a lot more overdrive. It’s the rush.”

I quickly pulled him in and hugged him, crying my eyes out. “I love you. I do. I’m so glad you’re not dead. I can’t lose you too.”

In the real, Dean was a small thin guy, not at all the stud he was inside the virtual world. But he felt good anyway. I wanted to pull him into the bed and fuck him right there.

“Wow, get a room you two,” Kirsten said. “You didn’t get enough in there?”

“I’m so sore, my whole body, my pussy and ass. How?”

“The SavageFantasy harness, almost 100% stim control. It’s fucking outrageous. They offered me a job,” she said.

“That’s great, doing what? Programming?”

“A handler, for their first Geisha. That is, if you’re in. They televised the match, fifty million credits in bets changed hands, a hundred million more pledges to preorder the new harness,” Kirsten said. I looked at Dean to see his reaction.

“Fuck yeah, of course she’s in. I want a rematch. The loss was pretty embarrassing,” he said and kissed me.

“Oh fuck, wow,” I said as I came from him kissing me. “What the fuck was that? I love that, kiss me again.”

“Go easy, Molly. Your system is still in shock, you’re going to feel like that for a couple days. Most Cyber athletes train a long time before hopping into an advanced sim like that,” Said Dean. “You’re going to find that you can do things in the real world, too. The harness works both ways, it trains your body out here. Your reflexes will be different. You learn to do some of the things your avatar can do, like martial arts. I was using it to deprogram my addictions. So I could be with you.”

“And the sex?”

“Yes, that too.”

“Fuck yeah, take me home, I want to take full advantage of that,” I said.

It took a full half hour to recover enough to stand; I had several orgasm waves hit me. Kirsten had saved off the data into my console. We went home and Dean and I watched replays of his defeat as I jacked him off.

“Did I do good?”

“You’re a natural.”

“I’m sorry I sucked you up my ass and ruined your season standings. Are your endorsements still backing you? Forgive me,” I said.

“Oh, I unlocked about ten achievements against a geisha. I’ll be fine, I have bragging rights, as far as endorsements, you have a few now. My endorsers are doing fine. Their sales tripled after their companies backed that match. Besides, it even gave me the MILF unlock. In and out of the net,” he said.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek; he blushed. We had just had unbridled cyber sex, and he was blushing over a little kiss, how cute.

I am thinking about expanding on this story universe. Let me know in comments if you have some ideas. Remember to follow and subscribe.



Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings

Stories on the edge, blurring the lines. Edgy Erotica not for the faint of heart