MM first times / Blowjob / Some PI Taboo

The Last Blowjob?

If the world was ending, what wouldn’t you do? When you knew the next thing you were going to see was the angels?

Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings


Photo by Samujjal Handique on Unsplash

As if 2020 wasn’t bad enough. I guess scientists didn’t have their eyes in the telescopes, working from home and all. in 2023 RA-7564b had roared toward the earth at some blistering speed. I don’t know. It didn’t seem real. But by the time it they detected it, we had three days. So I thought I would go camping.

No masks. I drank beer all the way there, not a police car in sight. Not much of anything in sight. I passed through a dozen cities, deserted, wrecked cars. Some cars were just sitting there. The occupant inside had decided to end it.

Me, I was a coward. I thought about stepping out. Who wouldn’t, but in the end, I couldn’t do it. I pulled up to a hitchhiker on the side of the road.

“Hey, you need a ride,” I said.
“Where are you going?”
“What? you're picky,” I asked. “Clear lake.”

He got up and drug himself over to the truck and threw his shit in. I drove off into the night, what there was of it. The milky way lit the sky.
“Where you from?” I asked the guy who looked maybe twenty.
“Chicago,” he said, looking out of the window.
“Pretty fucked up,” I said.
“Yeah,” he said. I asked no more questions. In all likelihood, Mr. Sunshine's story would just depress me more.

But, I can’t shut up, and three hours later I pulled over at a gas station. It was dark, the power was out.
“We will have to camp here. Get the gas out of the tank with the hand pump tomorrow.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Why? tomorrow? What’s the point?”
“It’s something to do. It’s what I do, think about the next thing, or what?” I said. I unrolled the sleeping bag in the back of the truck and laid down.

“Lots of stars,” he said.
“Yeah, that’s one thing. After all this is over, they will still be there, just like that.”
“Fucking annoying. I can’t sleep.”
“Just as well,” I said.
He sighed. “I miss pizza already,” he said.
“Pizza, fuck, I miss blow jobs.”
“Blow jobs?”
“Yeah, fucking God's gift to sex if you ask me,” I said.
“I wouldn’t know.”
“No shit? You can’t die and not get one.”
“I don’t have a lot of options, do I?”
“You have one,” I said.

He looked at me and shook his head. “Figures, I spend my last night with a gay guy.”
“Well, I’m bi, but ok, whatever,” I said.
“Like that makes it better,” he said.
“What? Jesus, you are a fucking downer,” I said. “Look, no one is pushing you to get a blowjob. And besides, like you said, what will it matter in the morning?”

We laid there a while, looking up at the stars. “Is it really that good?”
“The best,” I said.
“Ok, I mean. If you want.”
“Cool,” I said as he pulled down his pants. He had a nice dick. I pulled down mine and laid head to toe.
“What are you doing?”
“We are blowing each other,” I said. I know that this was probably not what he had in mind, but if you don’t ask, the answer is always no. He looked at my cock and then rolled toward it. Soon, he was sucking my cock. His first I would have guessed. But it felt good.

I took his cock into my mouth, and soon he bucked his hips. He was getting into it. He tried to swallow my cock the way I did, but gagged and then tried again.

Soon he took it all, as I felt it bump against the back of his throat. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and stroked it, while swirling my tongue around the rim. “Ohhh, fuck. Yeah, fuck…” he said, trailing off. He was close. So was I, but this was for him. So I got on top and took his cock, bobbing on his joint while I fucked his mouth.

The night sky lit up like day as we heard a loud roar. It was hot as well, I might as well finish this. Hate to leave him hanging with half a blowjob. Sucking his cock was fun. I could have gotten used to him. He fucked my mouth as I held a plank and fucked his.
“Fuck, I’m cuming,” I said.

To my surprise, he grabbed my ass and took all of my cock. I came a moment later, flooding his mouth with jizz. He arched his back, and shot his load into mine, I swallowed. Fuck, he was delicious. But then, maybe it was just our circumstances, the last blowjob on earth.

As if on queue the noise to built to an overwhelming crescendo, but then the noise changed, the heat lessened and suddenly the rock headed out to space.

We sat up and looked at the ‘world ender’ as it departed.
“What’s happening?”
“I don’t know. Did it skip off the atmosphere?” I wondered out loud.
“I maybe it will come back?”
“Maybe, or maybe the jack asses fucked up with the calculators.”

“Fuck, we are alive,” he sobbed and broke down. “The world isn’t ending!”
“No, not yet. But like you said, it might come back.”

He didn’t hesitate. We kissed, and he sucked my cock again as I played with his ass. Getting to live has that effect, I guess.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.
“Getting fucked?”
“I don’t know, never been,” I said. “I have only ever sucked cock. What to try?”
“Yeah, I’m a virgin. Both ways,” he said.
“Well, why don’t you fuck me first, then?” I got on my back and spread my cheeks as the guy put his cock up my ass. He fucked like a drunk pig, but he shot a load up my ass, as I laid there and looked up at the night sky. The fucking universe looked great from my back.

The next morning I dropped him off, he’s headed back to Chicago to see who was still there. Overall, half of the human population died, all for nothing. It was a mess. But I am still camping, and hunting, and fishing. A few people have joined me and some helped me build a cabin before moving on.

“You ever going back?” a young woman asked, a brother and sister, that happened to be staying with me for the winter.
“No, I think I will hang out here while I can.”
“You seem like you're waiting for someone,” the woman said.
“No, not really. I had the best night of my life. I can’t top that. Now it’s about moving on. But I will be here, in case he comes back one day.”

I laughed at the play on words as I put my cock in her. Fucking her, as her brother greased up my ass with bear grease. Sliding in deep.

I told them, being older, I needed prostate stimulation to get her pregnant. Some people will believe anything. I guess at the end of the day, I’m still an asshole. Sue me.

Ok, well, it’s a crazy story. But, if you liked it remember to follow me and subscribe so you don’t miss the next crazy story.



Mae B. Moody
Moody’s Musings

Stories on the edge, blurring the lines. Edgy Erotica not for the faint of heart