The Warm Colors and Threads of Ayse Sirin Budak

Ayse Sirin Budak is a self-taught artist from Istanbul, Turkey, living in New York. She talked to Mooi about her technique, her love of colors and collaborations.

Marie Jund
MOOI — Inspiring women
4 min readJan 2, 2021


Ayse Sirin Budak

Her designs are both incredibly clean, and quite literally intricate. The colors are rich and profound, light, and pure. The geometrical forms create something complex. Paint and thread melt together to give something else entirely.

Being a mom gave her Art and took her time

The earliest time I can remember falling in love with art, or with an art piece, was around when I was 8–9 years old when my mother used to take me to the art galleries and museums in Moscow, Russia”.

Ayse Sirin Budak was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. Living in New York since 2011, she graduated in Political Science, just to better turn into a self-taught artist. Now a mom of two, she’s “creating, painting and even sketching as a kind of “self-care” and “meditation”, she explains

The hardest part nowadays is being able to carve out some time for her art. Like so many of us, her life changed drastically since the pandemic. “Both of my kids are at home now because we decided to homeschool them this year. Literally, 90% of my time is dedicated to them. Honestly, I’m struggling to find quality time to focus on my art. But I chose to prioritize my family first, so I’m not stressing over the things that I can’t control too much” rationalizes Ayse.

And yes, her days are full, between her girls, household chores that never seem to end, daily outside hours and meals. After playtime and bedtime, if she has any energy left, she’ll work on her art. But she also points out that it’s a two-way street. Becoming a first-time mom, in 2015, is precisely what gave her “the time and the courage to teach herself painting; the life-long passion”.

The freedom of being self-taught

For her, the most crucial part of her technique is closing her eyes and imagining what she wants to create, or draw, or paint for the next project, right before going to sleep at night.

Architectural structures and furniture designs are truly so inspiring for me

Believe it or not, I barely sketch my pieces. Instead, I directly draw the outlines onto the canvas or paper since I have the image in my mind right at that moment. Since last year, I have been adding thread into my pieces to give more dimension and organic feeling. I also find sewing pretty meditative” she smiles. All her works are completely intuitional and spontaneity is key.

A piece from her Instagram profile

She finds her inspiration in architecture, sculpture, music, design, interior design, and nature. “Architectural structures and furniture designs are truly so inspiring for me”. The importance of colors is evident in her pieces. She considers them to be an instrument, serving a greater purpose, “which was to evoke our most basic emotions”. The color she uses becomes the subject in itself.

Ayse is motivated, she loves what she does and she counts her blessings. “I didn’t face many obstacles yet. Having a really supportive family makes this ride easier and smoother”.

Empowered women empower women

Scrolling through her pieces on her Instagram account, you can also see collaborations, including a beautiful, warm colors mural for Glowlabs, a skincare service in New York.

Throughout my art journey, I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for all the support I got from women all around the world, literally.

Collaborations are the reason why I started to create professionally. In November 2018, I got my very first offer from a woman-owned retailer in California who trusted me and supported me. I’m deeply grateful for her support. Also, a few months ago I’ve done my very first mural and the owner of the place was also a woman. So, throughout my art journey, I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for all the support I got from women all around the world, literally. I always believe in “empowered women empower women”, explains Ayse with conviction.

I do what I love. I love working with colors. I love mixing colors and coming up with a new tone.

I enjoy seeing my imagination on the canvas or paper and love creating something from zero. If I had one piece of advice to give, it would be don’t let anything or anybody discourage you”.



Marie Jund
MOOI — Inspiring women

Freelance journalist, Digital Content Creator. I write about travels, careers, everyday joys. Founder & Editor of MOOI