swift 4.2 : Multiplication table 2.0

Moonshine 
Moon 沐
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018
“red pencil on top of mathematical quiz paper” by Chris Liverani on Unsplash


  1. try to find out the connection between UIlabel & numbers
  2. try to find out what’s the pattern to make pyramid on this table
  1. try to find out the connection between UIlabel & numbers

2. try to find out what’s the pattern to make pyramid on this table

It takes me a lot of time to figure out what’s the magic arithmetic.
Thanks God, I find the tip eventually.

So the tip is : "There's no tip" 😂😂😂
You’ve gotta locate those tiny cubes one by one with if…else statements.
Lots of if…else statements.
I mean Huge actully.

Hope you enjoy my work.
Happy weekend.

