Gravitas Anima.rtf

Moon Computer
Moon Computer
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2019

Two mice arrive on the moon. It’s serious business, but because they haven’t died a horrible, fiery or bone-cold space death, it’s also adorable.

Snakes in zero G space do one of two things: they become sad, scared, actual knots, or they attack themselves. Maybe they’re thinking, “Ah! What the hell’s happening?! How did I get here? Who put me here?! Ah! You! STOP!”

So, if you’re ever attacked by a snake, the trick is to get it in the air. Really lob it, just straight up. But always remember: gravity loves a good double murder. As the snake returns, you’ll have only split seconds to assess whether it’s done the dirty work for you up there and you can take one step to the right, or if you’re going to have to volley this legless vampire right back up into that blue yonder and become the best juggler that town has ever seen.

Don’t worry. This can’t go on too long.

One of you will get tired or turn on yourself. You’re probably both equally likely to encounter either scenario by anger or by shame. It’s the human condition. It’s also the serpentine condition. Maybe. We don’t get a lot of opportunities to ask them about their societal pressures or social afflictions. One of us always has their head in the clouds, full of tangy fear juice, which happens to taste a lot like cranberry juice, but with more sweat.

A possible loophole: trampoline.

