WHAAAAT…Chill Monsters 5.mnstr

Moon Computer
Moon Computer
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2018

Estelle grabs one of the cassettes and jams it in the shitty boom box. She throws me a should-I-do-this-weird-fucking-thing look and holds her finger in the air. I think she’s scared but it’s not stopping her theatrical self. I wanna laugh, but I’m just staring at her and that little drama finger with this wave inside me about to crest.

Estelle taps the play button and hops back on one foot with a wince. Nothing.

Everyone looks around, like maybe the walls will start growing blue fur or the windows will explode with fountains of flamingos. I see Gary checking his hands and stuff. Him and his family, they know how weird things can get. Then the deep, low hum starts. But it feels like it’s been there the whole time. Like we can feel it before we realized what it was. Then a screech of guitars and a saxophone. A death metal death growl fused with a merengue beat. It sounds like if a glitch was a song, all these disparate instruments and voices and beats on top of each other in rapid succession. After about 20 seconds, we start to realize there are lyrics.

The lyrics are like if someone wrote a ransom note using a mixtape. We get one or two whole words, but a lot of them are sounds stitched together to form words. We get it all by the third loop:

“Husk-less..from…t-he plane..of…am-e-th-y-st..win-ds..and…black…sun-n-ris-es..needs t-he…d-augh-te-r of..the…tri-an-gle..t-he girl f-ro-m the…s-tars and..the boy w-ith-th..eyes o-f f-uture…time.”

