Don’t Let Me Go

That’s What She Said As The Autumn Faded To Wintry Nights

Nicole Maharaj
Moon Light Confessions


Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Don’t let me go,

when the autumn leaves fall

when the wind blows bitterly in the air,

when all the world is shivery cold.

Don’t let me go,

when your family comes near,

don’t let me go,

when your friends try to convince you to go out,

Don’t let me go,

when you button yourself into a suit,

when you head into that board meeting,

when you enter that plane,

and fly so far away from me.

Don’t let me go when silver coats my hair,

or when I eat my feelings,

Don’t let me go,

when you feel all alone in the world,

Don’t let me go,


hold on,

to the moments we had together,

those times that seem forever and a day ago,

hold on to me

and my red lips,

and curly hair.

Hold on before you let me go forever.



Nicole Maharaj
Moon Light Confessions

I bleed out my soul in my writing, in these pages you will find poems and short stories fantastical in nature and completely fictional. And some reviews too!