Finally Earned the ‘Best Writer’ Tag in the Humor Category

Something I’d Been Waiting For Since the Beginning of Time

Bhavnaa Narula
Moon Light Confessions


Screenshot by the author

Humor is all I have known since I matured as a person. And being on this platform reminded me of the fact that I have a pretty good sense of humor.

It’s not the best, and that’s why I’m trying to work on it.

But having written countless humor stories on Medium gave birth to a wish that someday I’ll get the best writer tag in the same category.

I wanted to have Medium officially declare me as the funny one.

A lot of comments I received would say that I deserved that humor tag, and I secretly said yes to it.

And today when I checked my email, I was surprised that I finally received one.

To all those people, who laughed at all of my jokes, even the ones that weren’t so funny, thank you so very much.

Your laughter encourages me to go on. It makes me want to come up with funnier things, satirical take on life, and people.

After all, what is life without a few waves of laughter shared with your loved ones?

Bhavna Narula, 2021. All rights reserved. Thank you so much for reading. 😊



Bhavnaa Narula
Moon Light Confessions

I am a dancer who writes what her heart dictates. My Insta ID- theaquarianparadise/ thedancingparadise28