How To Find Peace In Your Heart

You are loved without condition

Trista Signe Ainsworth
Moon Light Confessions


Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”
Mahatma Gandhi

The message I received this morning from my inner being was this: You do not have to do anything to be loved.

As I walked outside in the cool morning air, I contemplated life, thoughts, and circumstances. My spirit bubbled to the surface.

We all seek love.

Sometimes we may feel love all around us, and at other times it is only a whisper in the wind.

We can choose to let our hearts fall apart, or we can decide on love. It is the moment to choose ourselves.

Lately, my heart feels hurt by a circumstance, a permeating silence. I seek to heal my heart and feel the love all around me.

For a while now, my mom has not answered my messages. Perhaps she feels a kind of pain that I do not understand. I know there is love there, a whisper of light and hope.

I confess that I sometimes feel confused, disconnected, and lost. But, I am never without faith.



Trista Signe Ainsworth
Moon Light Confessions

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.