Reminiscing Radio!

In this huge music world, we are forgetting the essence of our first entertainer — The Radio!

Rucha Jamale
Moon Light Confessions
9 min readOct 3, 2021


Photo by Abbas Tehrani on Unsplash

Indian rains are no joke! “Ma’am OTP?” asked the cab driver. The rains are nice unless you are traveling to the office and running late! (I simply hate being late) It was raining heavily that day, the under bridges were full, trees were broken following by a big traffic jam. I sat in the cab with a big sigh, wondering why this rain doesn’t inform me before coming. It breaks your routine man.

And perfect! I have forgotten my headphones. Now left with only one option the Radio playing in the cab. Sad! I could not open my music apps nor play my favorite playlist_ “Uncle, will you please increase the FM’s volume? I’m unable to listen to the music as the rain sound is too loud” Before even I complete my sentence the cab driver increased the volume, maybe because he just saw how terrified I was!

The RJ-Radio Jockey was informing about the blocked roads and suggesting traffic routes. And while switching he just said “Rains are so romantic, isn't it!? listen to this beautiful upcoming track and don’t forget to smile goodbye!” Trust me, Rain songs in the car while it’s raining just hit at a different level. Within seconds, I was teleported to another world.

In early 2000 when I was in primary school Television was the major source of entertainment, I still remember the first thing I used to do after coming from school was to switch on the TV even before removing the school shoes and watch Scooby Dooby doo, fight with my brother for remote and end up watching Flintstones.

What a fun life it was! My mom still jokes about how she fed us different leafy vegetables under one legendary name Spinach. Oh, Popeye I miss you so much! Not only you but, Tom and Jerry, Duck Tales, Mickey-Mini, Dexter, Mowgli, The Mask, Roadrunner, and many many more. It was truly the Golden Era of Cartoons until Cartoon Network was ‘Cartoon Network’ and not ‘CN’!

When I was a child I used to ask my parents, as these cartoons are our world what was your world back then when you were children. They said it was the Radio. I said, “noo that’s just an audio news channel that’s it, and yes sometimes they play some Retro songs for your age people, but certainly not our type man.” My Father just giggled and ignored it cause he knew this kiddo would never understand the magic of Retro songs.

As we grew up my brother also fell for the Retro songs, I wondered how?! Later found out that he had that tiny Pocket radio that he used to place near his pillow every day before sleeping. I thought of giving a shot with that grey Dabba(box). But I’m not really into Retro hence never tried, but I knew one day my thing will surely come.

And then with a bang around 2004, our city launched two FM channels, and our family was so excited that we bought a brand new three-in-one music player set. We even made a small piece of furniture for it. It had a CD player, cassette player and an FM tuner in it. (Sometimes I think, in the future, how will we explain cassette, CD, floppy disks to our children? And how sad I was when I accidentally broke my 501 Miniclip games DVD).

Everyone was so happy with the music player and finally, for the first time, we will listen to FM in our city. We tuned the FM at different frequencies and then got the two newly launched FM stations Radio Mirchi and Tomato FM. Tiny me giggled at the names, wow what edible names.

Immediately my brother took the pen and wrote the station’s name and respective frequencies on the wall — 98.3 and 94.3. The very next second I was very furious “why did you write it on the wall, are you a kid to scribble things on the wall, can’t you just note it down on some paper, how can you be so untidy, just erase it right now”. He said, “Excuse me miss systematic this is my house too, that’s written for me none of your business, and don’t forget that I’m elder than you.” Ahh, I hate messy people. Our parents thought we will listen to some pleasant songs for the day but eventually enjoyed our fight more.

FM radio soon became my thing. Day-night just turn on the tuner and you are ready to travel to a music world. Back then when YouTube was just evolving, listening to new songs was quite an arduous task. And more of that you can’t demand too many new music CDs and cassette albums as a school kid. I gracefully satisfied my music thirst all thanks to the Radio.

FM radio gave me the knowledge that music is a vast topic, and as an individual, despite your young age you can have your own choice in music, can also develop a favorite genre. Nowadays music has become a daily thing. There might be extremely few people who spend a day without listening to songs. It has become a regular habit. But we should never forget that the power music beholds is simply infinite.

The best thing about FM radio is the informal RJ talks and back-to-back latest songs. It was a fresh experience for me to listen to an RJ; they used to talk as if we are talking in person. Radio is a one-to-many communication type. But every time I listened to the radio jockey it felt like one-to-one communication.

I remember when I was in high school and there was a teacher who used to identify all the students as ‘you’ and not ‘all of you’. At first, it felt very weird why is he using singular form while interacting with the entire class. But later I found out that he intentionally used you instead of all of you because in that way it felt that he is trying to communicate with each individual at a personal level. Seems like FM’s motive was also to reach each individual personally.

The RJs always had a free talk, they talk on anything without being formal, sprinkling their coolness all over. Usually, when we talk to a large group, we use many honorifics and try to be formal. But this was totally the opposite. I literally loved the idea, you can speak your heart out in a single locked room and can communicate with everyone who has tuned in and can play interesting songs too! Amazing right!

Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

In late 2000, teenagers like me were totally in love with the FM pattern, the RJs, the music, everything. In school or tuition, we were not allowed to carry mobile phones, in fact, we barely had one, some kids had one but that too was the earliest Nokia model. We often consider children the future of the Nation. But we children, me and friends predicted the future through FM. (Surprised right?)

After school, we all used to gather in a group on the ground or parking including the brave kid who had the mobile, obviously hiding a mobile in the school was quite a risky task. And then we used to start future prediction by turning on the radio. More of that love prediction I would say.

The drill was — start the radio, let’s say if it’s my turn I will say my crush name, will choose anyone from lyrics, music, name of the actors, or the film. Let’s say if I chose the lyrics. Then that meant the upcoming song lyrics will predict the future things between me and my crush. For, e.g. if the next song played was completely a romantic one with beautiful lyrics then darling things are going to turn exceptionally well between us. But, if the upcoming song turned out a sad song, then sorry dear, choose a new crush!! And trust me the game works. (Right now I’m very embarrassed! So sorry!)

Another interesting story I remember — it was a sunny day, (summer vacation I guess) our family was traveling to a big city to visit my uncle. Of course, we have to compulsory turn the radio in the car. That day I was about to witness something new. We were somewhere in the middle where something just happened with the radio and the RJ voices changed, the music also changed, I was confused, who is this talking, I don’t know you, and seeing this confused face of mines my father giggled and explained me the whole thing that, we are now in a different district and each city has a specific range, the range is limited within some specific km only. After that, a different station is introduced for the same frequency. I was awestruck! This meant each city has different radio stations and distinct sets of RJs. Little me was so amused by this piece of information.

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Since the beginning FM had provided many things apart from just music like the latest news, social awareness, interviews, prank games, quizzes, ghost stories, DJ nights, and many more.

I still remember, I was in Engineering and the next day was the Computer Graphics exam; it was midnight and I was damn sleepy. (Ask an Engineer how crucial the night before the exam is!) I and my bestie was completely drowning but then we remembered that it’s nighttime and it’s DJ night’s turn. And then what Party all night! Party all night! (Now please don’t ask about the exam results). Btw FM is abbreviated as Frequency Modulation and is a method of transmitting radio waves that can be used to broadcast high-quality sound. (Mic drop!)

Deep down somewhere I started to feel that I should become an RJ. What a fun life you can directly speak from your soul and play your favorite music. A single room with no people, no noise, no one could see your face but still fall in love with you. If you want, you can also serve by a nickname and get the job done. The idea completely fascinated me. You will work publically but your actual identity will be preserved. Exactly like Hi I’m Miley! Now I’m Hannah! Now I’m Miley! (haha what a funny episode it was!)

In graduation I have also anchored some college functions, also I was quite good at public speaking. My friends had surprisingly started to call me RJ.(Cloud 9 mode activated!). My playlist was also a complete package. In my final year, we were all on the trip and were continuously traveling 10hrs straight.

It was midnight and everyone was hell tired but unable to sleep, and then on bestie’s suggestion, I took the charge and created a playlist that could make you sleep faster and feel relaxed. And guess what it worked! Within an hour everyone was asleep, thanks to me! I don’t know about party songs but I realized that day I can make people fall asleep with my playlist. (Don’t laugh okay, I know my playlist is full of sad songs!)

I truly wanted to become an RJ just like how I wanted to become a Pilot, a Dancer, an Engineer, an Artist, at some time even wanted to take over Google (LOL), even wondered someday Google doodle will be designed after me (Sorry but I still wish for this haha). Seriously dreams are dreams! Radio Jockey or not I will always remain an RJ, visibly, that’s because they are my initials dude! haha!

“You have arrived at your Destination” Oh I almost forgot I was in a not-so-good mood and getting late to the office!! The surprise Radio song and RJ’s comforting words almost took me back to memory lane.

Several apps suggest songs based on your moods in this enormous music world, but today a surprise FM Radio song changed my entire mood. In this digital world, we want everything as we wanted, everything as we demand. But we almost forgot that there are things we can’t control, we want something, we need something but end up getting something else and this is none other than Life my friend.

Life is full of surprises just like Radio, sometimes it plays merry songs, sometimes it plays sad songs. Sometimes, talking with some people make you fall in love with them, while sometimes you plainly want to shut people off. But you’ll never know what’s playing next!

Indeed, Life is full of surprises, but the biggest one of all is learning what it takes to handle them_Deborah Wiles

Photo credits: Author personal files. (High Five! this one is still alive!)



Rucha Jamale
Moon Light Confessions

A girl who likes to recites stories! Basically, I don’t write, I talk with you through my writings!💁