The Darkest Ocean, The Deepest River
Every river, every ocean, every sea has its own tale to tell
The tales of the past
present and future
are all weaved in
the oceans
rivers and
seas of the world.
Every river weaves through the small towns and centres
that weave a spell
through the hearts of the villagers
the river witnesses
the births of rulers and
paupers alike
for when we are born
and when we die
we are the same no matter
what family you are born in.
The blood of our ancestors
flow into the rivers of today and yesterday.
The rivers bend and twist to the tapestry of the
leaking into the ocean that links the entire world
in an endless circle with no
Each river sees the truth of the people it
reflects as every
sea sees the lies of the world
as clear as the ice that frosts on top it's turquoise