The Knock-Knock Poem

Please knock before entering

Bhavnaa Narula
Moon Light Confessions


Photo by Herve Renard on Unsplash

Knock knock!

Whos there?

It’s me?

Me who?

Your friend Pooh!

I don't have any friend named Pooh

Oops! Isn’t this 15, Park Avenue?

Nope, this is 15, Park Annehew.

Oh, sorry to disturb you.

No worries Pooh.

Can I at least get a glass of water?

Sure there’s a lake, three blocks after.

That's so rude of you.

Run before I cook you for my menu.

Okay at least tell me your name.

I am not Winnie if that's what you mean.

Haha, you're funny though, I like it.

Hehe, your ass is still shitty though, go bite it.

Alright, alright I am going

Oh, I cannot control my happiness from showing.

I wish you good luck in the future.

Sure if you manage to survive the devilish butcher!

The above poem is just a fun fictional conversation between two strangers. BTW, you should never allow strangers into your house, not even for water. Okay. That’s the only moral I have to offer. Take care and goodbye. :P

Bhavna Narula, 2021.



Bhavnaa Narula
Moon Light Confessions

I am a dancer who writes what her heart dictates. My Insta ID- theaquarianparadise/ thedancingparadise28