The Sisters

We walked this life hand in hand

Nicole Maharaj
Moon Light Confessions


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

They had grown up together

hand in hand

crowns of flowers in their long curls

three sisters always together,

playing games in the meadow,

weaving flowers in each others


Singing songs of the spring and summer months,

even in the darkest of seasons.

Now they would be parted on this day

where the eldest would wed

forever to leave her parents house

for her Husbands embrace.

No longer would they be three

as one would wed so would the


Until the song they sung would echo in

the hallowed halls

and the days weaving flowers in the meadow would be

all but memories cast aside

lost in dreams of love

and family.

Forever should they part until they meet in the meadow of their




Nicole Maharaj
Moon Light Confessions

I bleed out my soul in my writing, in these pages you will find poems and short stories fantastical in nature and completely fictional. And some reviews too!