Submission Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines to make sure that the submission proceeds smoothly.

Moonbay Labs
Moonbay Labs
2 min readAug 19, 2021


An abstract illustration of a girl sitting with a laptop on a leaf of a nearby plant. There is a large moon behind her.

1. What type of content do we publish?

Articles, personal stories, insights, and case studies on:

  • design (i.e. User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, Service Design, Game Design),
  • technology (Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, 3D Printing, Robotics)
  • research.

Our mission is to support designers, technologists, and researchers at all levels with a daily dose of information on current trends and the future of design and technology. We are advocates of: women in technology and research, emerging talent, inclusivity, accessibility, diversity, and new business initiatives.

2. Writing Guidelines

We want Moonbay Labs to be a space🚀🌕 where everyone can contribute and share knowledge with the world. We value simplicity and authenticity. We love engaging and coherent stories with an inclusive flow that is easy to understand for everyone.

3. Important Information

  • All articles must be written in English.
  • Articles for submission must be previously unpublished.
  • Please respect the work of other authors and give them credit when necessary.
  • It is the writer’s responsibility to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted content, such as images, sound, and video files. If you would like to add some images to your article, you can try various free stock photo websites, such as Pexels, Unsplash, or Pixabay. Feel free to use your own photos and illustrations as well. Just make sure to reference yourself as the author in the caption below each image.

4. How can I publish my article?

If you are ready to publish your article, you can submit your draft as a PDF, Pages, or Microsoft Word document to We will get back to you within a few days to let you know if your article is a good fit for our content. We may also ask you to revise your article once again if some major changes are needed.

Once we publish your article, you will be listed as its author. Feel free to submit a brief introduction (1–2 sentences) of what you do or what fascinates you along with your photo or an illustration representing you as a JPG or PNG file. We will add those details right next to your name. You can also share a link to your social media account.🤩

5. What can we edit before publishing your article?

  • The title and images to match our editorial style.
  • Typos and formatting style (if necessary).

Feel free to email us at if you have any questions about our guidelines or if you’re unsure if the topic of your article would be the right fit.

We can’t wait to publish your article!

— The Moonbay Labs Team



Moonbay Labs
Moonbay Labs

We support designers, researchers and technologists at all levels.