Moonriver Quest 2: The Return

Moonbeam Network
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2022

Rebuilding Moonriver Valley Part II

On their second quest, the Moonwarriors collected pieces of Moonrock from the nearby colonies. Each piece had been well hidden and contained a piece of the mysterious hieroglyphics that looked like those on the Moonrock the Moonriver Valley Moonresearchers had worked on decoding for as long as they could remember.

The Champions had arranged the pieces like a puzzle and deciphered the phrase they now repeated. They had no doubt the technology contained in the hieroglyphics would reveal the instructions for the Kusama to thrive and reproduce in the valley once the research was completed.

Though the Champions had assembled the pieces and decoded the phrase, the Moonwarrier carrying the Moonrock noticed upon close examination that there was still a small chip in the Moonrock obscuring a part of the text… This troubled him, though he kept his observation to himself.

As the Champion Moonwarriors continued home to Moonriver Valley, they reflected on their adventure. They had lost many, but they knew they had achieved their goal. They repeated the secret phrase as a mantra, hoping to manifest the future they deserved.

One Moonwarrior noticed a bird sitting on a nearby rock. It seemed to be listening to their song. It took flight as they approached and disappeared into the darkness. As the sky lightened, their voices rose in unison. A flock of Kusama began to form above their heads. The birds blotted out the sky and lead the way to Moonriver Valley.

Welcome Home

As they arrived in the Valley still repeating the secret phrase in unison, the people welcomed them and the flock of Kusama settled in a large tree near the center of the settlement. The assembled Moonrock was placed at the base of the tree. The Moonriver people gathered around and called to the Kusama, but the birds remained silent and still on their perches, waiting.

The people joined the Champions in repeating the phrase and the words became a song. As it grew louder, the gaze of the Kusama intensified. The birds’ dark eyes focused on one of the Moonriver people in particular. This person’s voice was unique, and as the words of the secret phrase repeated, everyone in attendance turned to watch and listen to his Golden Voice.

Slowly the chorus faded until only this single Golden Voice remained. The Golden Voice was so enchanting that time seemed to stand still as everyone listened. His voice alone repeated the phrase once more:


Champions Feast

The largest Kusama bird stirred, leaving its branch. It landed on the assembled Moonrock as the last note of the phrase faded into the air. When the Kusama touched the rock, there was a blinding flash. Momentarily, the people of Moonriver Valley regained their sight and saw that the hieroglyphics on the stone were repaired and glowing.

While they watched, a great feast spread before them.

One by one the Moonwarrior Champions approached the abundant feast table and took their place to eat. The Moonriver people stood back and watched as the spots at the table filled with Champion Moonwarriors. Once they were all seated, one spot remained. The people bowed as the one with the Golden Voice took his place at the feast, and all was right in the valley.


If you failed to be named Moonriver Champion in Quest 2 (or missed the quest and wish to win Quest 2 NFT), it is not too late to earn a seat at the table.

Respond to this tweet with a video singing the secret phrase: THE HARVEST MOON CONSPIRES TO MANIFEST REWARDS FOR THOSE WHO PLAY ON MOONRIVER.

  • You do not need to show your face in the video.
  • The submission with the most likes will receive the Moonriver Quest 2 NFT and a seat at the Champions Feast.
  • The contest closes at 11:00 am EST on Wednesday, June 1st. Good luck!

