Using the Ethereum Web3 Library to Send Transactions on Moonbeam

Moonbeam’s Ethereum Compatibility Makes It Easy to Use the Web3 Library on Polkadot’s Substrate Framework

Alberto Viera
Moonbeam Network
6 min readAug 25, 2020


The Web3 JavaScript library is one of the many ways we can interact with the Ethereum blockchain. The great thing about using the Web3 library is that you have full control not only of your private key, but also of every interaction you make with Ethereum.

This guide walks through the process of using Web3 to manually sign and send a transaction to a Moonbeam dev node. For this example, we will use Node.js and straightforward JavaScript code. The Web3 library is very extensive (link here), so we will only go through the methods needed for this tutorial.

The examples in this guide are based on a Ubuntu 18.04 environment and assume that you have a local Moonbeam node running in — dev mode. You can find instructions to setup a local Moonbeam node here.

Note: This tutorial was created using the pre-alpha release of Moonbeam. The Moonbeam platform, and the Frontier components it relies on for Substrate-based Ethereum compatibility, are still under very active development. We have created this tutorial so you can test out Moonbeam’s Ethereum compatibility features. Even though we are still in development, we believe it’s important that interested community members and developers have the opportunity to start to try things with Moonbeam and provide feedback.

We’ve also created a video of this tutorial, which you can view below. It will cover the same steps we are about to outline.

Checking Prerequisites

If you followed the tutorial, you should have a local Moonbeam node producing blocks that looks like this:

In addition, for this tutorial, we need to install Node.js (we’ll go for v14.x) and the npm package manager. You can do this by running in your terminal:

We can verify that everything installed correctly by querying the version for each package:

As of the writing of this guide, versions used were 14.6.0 and 6.14.6, respectively.

Next, we can create a directory to store all our relevant files (in a separate path from the local Moonbeam node files), and create a simple package.json file by running:

With the package.json file created, we can then install the Web3 package by executing:

To verify the installed version of Web3, you can use the ls command:

As of the writing of this guide, the version used was 1.2.9. Remember you can fix a version of a package by using the @ symbol, this is useful to install specific versions, for example:

The Transaction File

Now that everything it’s installed, let’s get to the cool part and start coding!

For our example, we only need a single JavaScript file (arbitrarily named transaction.js, which you can find here) to create the transaction, which we will run using the node command in the terminal. The script will transfer 100 “ETH” from the genesis account to another address. For simplicity, the file is divided into three sections: variable definition, create transaction, and deploy transaction.

We need to set a couple of values in the variable definitions:

  1. Create our Web3 constructor (Web3).
  2. Define the privKey variable as the private key of our genesis account, which is where all the funds are stored when deploying your local Moonbeam node, and what is used to sign the transactions.
  3. Set the “from” and “to” addresses. Here we will send funds from our genesis account to the address MetaMask creates by default when setting up a wallet, make sure you use your address.
  4. Create a local Web3 instance and set the provider to connect to our local Moonbeam node.

Note: Remember to change the addressTo variable to another address provided by your MetaMask wallet.

Both the “create transaction” and “deploy transaction” sections are wrapped in an asynchronous function that handles the promises from our Web3 instance. To create the transaction, we need to invoke a sign transaction method web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, privKey), where we have to define the transaction object with some parameters such as: addressFrom, addressTo, number of tokens to send, and the gas limit.

Note: the number of tokens needs to be given in Wei, but we can use the Web3 toWei utility to convert units. The private key must be provided as well to sign the transaction.

Since the transaction message has been created and signed (you can console.log(createTransaction) to see the v-r-s values), we can now deploy it using the web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx) by providing the rawTransaction from the createTransaction object.

Lastly, we run our deploy function.

So our completes transaction.js script looks like this:

The Balance File

Before running the script, we need another file to check the balances of both addresses before and after the transaction is executed. We can easily do this by leveraging the Ethereum compatibility features of Moonbeam.

For simplicity, the balance file (named arbitrarily balances.js, which you can find here), is composed of two sections: the variables definition and the balance call. The variables definition is nearly the same as for the previous transaction file; the only difference is that we do not need the private key, as this is only a call function (reading data from the local Moonbeam node).

To get the balances of our addresses, we need to make an asynchronous function that uses the web3.eth.getBalance(address) command. We can take advantage of the web3.utils.fromWei() function to transform the balance into a more readable number in ETH.

So basically, our balances.js script looks like this (make sure to change the addressTo to the same value provided in the transaction file:

Running the Scripts

First, let’s check the balances of both of our addresses before the transaction by running:

The output of the execution is the following:

We can run our transaction.js script from the terminal window:

The output of the execution is the following:

And we can check the new balances:

Next, learn to deploy your Solidity smart contract to Moonbeam.

We Want to Hear From You

This is a relatively simple example, but it provides context for how you can start working with Moonbeam and how you can try out its Ethereum compatibility features. We are interested in hearing about your experience following the steps in this guide or your experience trying other Ethereum-based tools with Moonbeam. Feel free to join us in the Moonbeam Riot room here. We would love to hear your feedback on Moonbeam and answer any questions that you have.

Originally published at

