Blockchain related Education Resources for Nerds

Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2018

Hello Nerds,

As a Moonetize co-founder, an electronics engineer (though I didn’t work as an electronics engineer at all) and a computer networking instructor, I was really confused about how to learn the ‘real’ blockchain.

What I mean by real is the technology which is running under the hood. Not side stuffs like price discussions, scam projects, technical analysis etc. Below you won’t find much related to cryptocurrencies and price speculation.

I am going to share useful resources which you should take a look and pick any one of them to dive into blockchain world. I am passionate about learning new technologies, especially for those that have great potential to change your daily life in the coming days.

Those are ‘my bests’ after some research and learning experience.
I did not list books here because that is another huge topic.

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies | by Princeton University
This is good way to start and learn the basics in a good tempo. No need to rush at first.

Cryptography by | by Stanford University
This is not an easy course to understand but If you are nerdy enough, I am sure you can complete it.

Blockchain Fundamentals
I did not complete it yet but it’s another good resource that if you want to learn thoroughly.

Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide
This is one of the best. It is like a complete guide for most of us. Maybe more than we need.

I did not try this site yet but looks promising.

