The Moon: One Small Step for NFTs, One Giant Leap for Metaverse-kind

Published in
5 min readMar 14, 2022

The Moon metaverse was created to offer users a more novel way to play-to-earn. It provides players with unique gameplay features that challenge them to build fully-functioning societies they must then govern and allow to flourish. From businesses to housing and even trade negotiations with other countries and planets! Part of this journey will involve players acquiring land plots that they can mine for resources and cultivate. Users will multitask and micromanage while still taking into account the big picture as they expand their empires. Simply put, Moon removes the barriers found in typical NFT gaming ecosystems and offers players more ways to earn big.

Metaverses and NFTs: The New Frontier in Online Gaming

If you’ve scrolled through social media lately or spent any time online at all, you’ve probably seen an ad or article about a new NFT project or metaverse that is set to debut. This is the digital era we live in now. DeFi has become the hot topic and has all but overtaken the online ad space. As far as the metaverse goes, the race to build elaborate virtual worlds is an endeavor that many game developers and corporations have taken on in an attempt to reach a broader spectrum of individuals that include players, consumers, and beyond. NFTs on the other hand have infiltrated countless industries and have fetched billions in revenue each year.

The metaverse itself has become not just a way for gaming platforms to host players, but also a place for NFTs — gaming or otherwise — to be showcased by users through their personal avatars. In many cases, these digital assets can be customized to suit a user’s style or personality to give them a unique identity as they explore and interact with other metaverse participants. But the benefits of NFTs go beyond their aesthetic allure as some also offer passive earning rewards through staking protocols and airdrop rewards. Adding to the appeal is the utility metaverses like Moon offer users such as land plots that allow them to build fully functioning societies and profit from them with businesses that operate and generate revenue.

It’s a digital movement that is providing participants with novel ways to interact with each other and earn — handsomely.

The Lunar Globe Has Officially Launched!

The Moon metaverse has marked another important milestone in our game development by officially launching our lunar globe for all to explore. This intricately designed rendering of the actual moon was created by our team to contain an exceptional level of complexities and detail. Additionally, as you comb over its surface, you’ll notice the landscape will be divided into plots of varying sizes called HEXs. Each HEX contains a unique number of resources that players can mine and utilize as they build businesses and communities on their land. We encourage you to take the time to analyze which location and available resources best suit your strategy as you colonize this new planet.

The Next-Generation Metaverse

As previously mentioned, scattered throughout the lunar metaverse are precious resources players can mine to turn the keys that start the economic engine that will help build and power their communities. HEXs contain different amounts and types of resources are all tradable among players, which are part of an economic model that encourages players to stay committed to growing their societies over the long term. The numerous regions of the moon can offer a wide array of landscapes and resources that a player can take advantage of. These variables can affect a player’s choices and impact the direction their game takes them, offering a unique experience for every player. HEXs can be traded, bought, or sold to participants in the game or on outside crypto exchanges, however, it’s the utility they provide that really sets the lunar metaverse apart from others.

HEXs can house a variety of profit-generating businesses which include housing, shopping areas, factories, and more. Additionally, HEX owners can erect companies that manufacture in-game NFTs — yet another source of income to benefit players. Minerals extracted from Moon can also be sold to players within the game allowing players to boost their profit-earning potential. Landowners can also rent portions of their land to other players and levy taxes for any economic activity that occurs within their borders, including imports from neighboring countries.

Taking Play-To-Earn to the Moon

NFTs and land with unmatched utility are at the core of the lunar metaverse. They give players much to be excited about, as do features such as in-game add-ons that further boost earnings by increasing economic output and fortifying their military power. The Moon team will continue to develop at a breakneck speed and launch our game at the earliest moment possible to ensure players can start creating their communities and profiting from them. We cannot thank you all enough for your overwhelming support and look forward to sharing more exciting updates and gameplay features with you soon.

About Moon

Moon is an outer space play-to-earn game built on the Binance Smart Chain. It encompasses real-life simulation on a large scale that tasks players with micromanaging their land plots defined as a HEX. In them, users can start businesses, employ a workforce, build armies, and form alliances with neighboring countries. The unique gameplay featured in Moon will test a player’s intellect and tenacity as they continue to grow their community and become a powerful force in the Lunar Metaverse. The industry-leading developers, designers, and blockchain experts that make up the Moon team are dedicated to creating an NFT gaming ecosystem that is truly out of this world.

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