We partnered with EverdreamSoft to reward our users with BitCrystals

Andy O'shaughnessy
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2018

Publishers can start collecting BitCrystals in a single click!

New partnership announcement between Moonify and BitCrystals

What an exciting time! We’re pleased to announce a breakthrough moment within the Mooniz ecosystem thanks to the introduction of our partner coins!

Moonify have now partnering with Swiss blockchain game and collectibles publisher EverdreamSoft, the creators of the BitCrystals cryptocurrency.

BitCrystals (BCY), which are used in the blockchain-based TCG game Spells of Genesis as well as other games can now be selected as a currency of choice in the Mooniz backoffice, alongside Monero or Electroneum. It is a significant development for our platform. This partnership grants our users more choice and facilitates access to coins that were previously unmineable.

Bitcrystals helps game makers make the most of the new marketing and revenue opportunities that the blockchain offers.

Pushing Adoption

We believe this partnership is the first of a series that will help tokens spread and gain wider adoption. Our distributed CPU-based monetization platform for digital publishers enables them to engage with previously untapped audiences, increasing user acquisition in a very innovative way. To summarize, game publishers can:

  • Onboard new users
  • Bolster token distribution
  • Communicate about their token via another platform

From binary choice to multiple choice

We’ve added BitCrystals to our list of distributable currencies so our partners have more choice.

Publisher activates BCY from the Mooniz backoffice

The selected coin needs to be activated before it can be collected. Publishers do this from the “Partner coins” list, accessible from the back office by clicking:

« Services » -> Choose your desired service → Click CPU Monetization -> Select BitCrystals.

The mechanics of our solution remain unchanged for end-users, they will still receive Mooniz tokens as a reward for their participation. If your users have a BCY compatible wallet you can then reward them at your discretion.

EverdreamSoft/BitCrystals has been a pioneer of Blockchain gaming since 2015 and Moonify is very proud to collaborate with them. We sincerely hope our new feature will help BCY get the adoption it deserves.

If you’re looking to increase the distribution of your own token and you’d like to use Moonify’s partner coin feature, contact our CEO at jean@moonify.io. We’ll be delighted to host your token within our ecosystem.

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